Chapter 12.4

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James stood in line with Nate and Teddy at the side of the Quidditch pitch with a school Firebolt clutched in his gloved hands. He watched as the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, a sixth year boy by the name of Oscar Moore, walked the line in front of the prospects. A good number of Gryffindors from all years wanting to be part of the Quidditch team showed up for the tryouts. James could count at least fifteen Gryffindors clad in borrowed Quidditch gear fidgeting in line.

James was nervous too, but a quick glance to the Quidditch stands showed him that Professor Potter, joined by Hagrid and Drew, were there to watch amongst a larger crowd. He caught James looking at him and Professor Potter gave a smile and two thumbs up. James grinned and he felt the anxiety leaving his system. He performed so well during practice and all he needed to do was do the same thing during tryouts.

Oscar, a handsome sixth year boy with auburn hair and hazel eyes, was very tall in James' eyes and he walked the line of Gryffindor prospects in four long strides. His scarlet Quidditch robes bore his last name on the back atop a large ivory number 1. He played Keeper for the Gryffindors and had been Quidditch captain since his fifth year. He was a formidable player as heard by James from the older Gryffindors and apparently was already being scouted by pro Quidditch teams for when he graduates.

"Everyone, thank you for showing up for the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts," Oscar started as he stood at the middle ahead of everyone. The veteran Quidditch players stood behind him. "We are looking for four individuals: one Seeker, one Chaser, a reserve Seeker, and a reserve Beater. We will also be recommending a Quidditch commentator to Professor McGonagall to commentate some of the games. Because of that, we will not only be observing your ability to play Quidditch but your knowledge of the game overall."

"The trials will consist of four stages: warm-ups, broom-handling, ball tracking, and finally drills with us," Oscar continued, gesturing to his team. "So without further ado, everyone, up!" Oscar mounted his broom and kicked off into the air. The other six Gryffindor players followed suit as did the prospects.

The first five minutes of the warm-ups were spent circling the Quidditch field flying laps. Oscar was at the head leading the train of prospects while the team observed from the side. They were huddled in a tight ball hovering above the Quidditch field with their heads close together in discussion. James knew that while this was warm-ups to those trying out, they were already being assessed by the Quidditch team.

After five minutes of easy laps, Oscar called back and told the Gryffindors to follow his flight path exactly. The tempo of the warm-ups suddenly changed. The Gryffindor Quidditch captain did loop-de-loops and zigzags in the air and the Gryffindors on his tail struggled to keep up. Well, most of them struggled. James was at the middle of this Gryffindor flying train and the veterans all noted that he was as graceful and as confident on the broom like their captain. The Gryffindor on his tail, a sixth year named Derek Crowe, was also very good on the broom and confidently kept the sync in flight.

The warm-ups lasted for another fifteen minutes after which many of the hopefuls were already feeling fatigued. Teddy was panting besides James as they hovered in a circle above the Quidditch field around Oscar waiting for his next instructions.

For the next three hours, Oscar led the players through complex trials up in the air. Sweat was dripping down James' forehead and his whole body was sore. His bum was aching too after sitting astride the broom for so long. He looked to the side and saw Drew and Hagrid chatting animatedly with each other, no doubt making comments about the skills of the Gryffindor prospects and hedging bets on who would be making the team. Professor Potter was smiling widely. "You're doing great," the professor mouthed and James felt himself grinning from ear to ear.

A long shrill of a whistle drew his attention to Oscar, and the Quidditch captain pointed downwards and started his descent. James and the other players followed suit. His legs almost collapsed after reaching the ground but he leaned against Nate who was looking just as exhausted as he was.

"Great tryouts today, everyone!" Oscar yelled from the front of the group. "Thank you to all of you for coming out to our Quidditch tryouts. The team and I will just need a couple of minutes to discuss so sit tight. This shouldn't take us very long since I think we all have the same thoughts, right team?" He asked. The players chuckled. The Gryffindor Quidditch team walked to one end of the field to begin their discussion.

"I'm absolutely knackered!" Teddy exclaimed and collapsed on his back on his place on the grass. "That was insane. My everything hurts!"

"Mine too," Nate groaned and rubbed his aching shoulders. "I will need a long hot bath after this. How're you feeling James?" He asked and looked over to his friend doing stretches on the grass.

"I feel pretty good actually," James said truthfully, a small smile on his lips. "I'm aching all over too but... it's kind of nice! It's like the feeling after a really good game of football." Teddy nodded his head in agreement.

Nate regarded them quizzically. "Foot... ball? What's that?"

Teddy burst out into hysterical laughter. "Oh god... laughing just makes my body hurt more. Stop making me laugh, Nate!"

Nate looked at his two friends who were chortling and shaking with laughter on the grass. "What's so funny?" He asked, the corners of his lips twitching as he tried to remain neutral. His question only brought another round of laughter from James and Teddy so Nate gave into the feeling and laughed along with them.

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