Chapter 17.11

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A knock sounded on the door making Hermione and Remus look towards the entrance. The wooden door to her private room in the hospital wing swung open and James' head peeked inside.

"Good afternoon, mum, Mr. Lupin! I hope I'm not interrupting?" James asked with a smile.

Remus smiled softly and stood from his seat. "Not at all, Mr. Watson. We're just finishing up here," he said.

James nodded his head. "I'll wait outside then!" The boy pulled the door close and disappeared from sight.

Remus turned back to Hermione and looked at his old student. Her eyes had brightened significantly at the sight of James and Remus felt himself empathizing with the younger witch. He had come to know bits and pieces of the story after these past few days. He didn't know the whole story, he was certain about that, but he knew enough to feel the pain in his chest when he looked at the members of this small, broken family.

"He's a great boy, Ms. Granger," Remus commented. Hermione looked at him inquisitively and Remus smiled. "I've gotten many letters from Teddy about his new best friend."

Hermion's lips curved. "I'm glad he's made friends so quickly. I was worried about that, you know. This is all so new to him," she mused.

"It's obvious that you've raised him well," Remus said. Hermione blushed at his praise. "He's very mature for his age... and understanding."

Hermione nodded her head in agreement. She knew her son was all of Remus' praises and more. James was one of a kind and for the longest time, the only light she had in her life.

"You can keep the staff with you for now, Ms. Granger," Remus said. Hermione was surprised at his simple, albeit seemingly temporary, acquiescence. "But please do not leave the castle with or without it. I don't suppose you can, anyway, at least for a while. Madam Pomfrey insists you not be moved from Hogwarts until you are fully healed. I will need to discuss with my commander what we are to do with the staff and of your safety." He faltered a bit at the mention of his commander and Hermione knew who he was talking about. There was another pang in her heart and she looked at the silver chain on her lap to avoid the werewolf's knowing eyes. "We have Demos in custody, but he hasn't said anything so far. Not why he wanted the staff or who he was going to give it to. Which is why you need to stay here. Whoever it was he was working for knows about you. We cannot risk your safety and I'm afraid you can't go back to your home until this is all sorted."

She sighed but agreed. She was careless before but she wouldn't be careless now.

"I understand, Remus," she said softly.

Remus gave a resolute nod and walked towards the door. "Please take care of yourself, Ms. Granger. I will see you later once I have an update." And with that, the Auror walked out of the door.

He was momentarily taken aback at the sight which greeted him when he entered the main room of the infirmary. James wasn't alone in his waiting. The boy was sitting on a wooden bench lining one of the stone walls talking to the man Remus had wanted to see immediately. But his countenance was so different from when Remus last saw him. Harry Potter was smiling softly as he listened to his son.

Harry's anguished face when he saw the photo on top of James' bedside table in London would haunt him forever, Remus knew. The werewolf had never seen Harry Potter look so broken and lost before. His commander's countenance during the museum raid was telling as well. He was so angry and went into the fight with his wand blazing not caring about the casualties he left behind. This was so very unlike Harry as an Auror. He never let his emotions rule him during his missions but that was precisely what he did in Athens.

Harry's parting words outside of the hospital wing the morning after Hermione's rescue just two days ago was a command to Remus to get to the bottom of it. His green eyes were so very angry and he admitted that he was of no mind to question the museum director they held in custody for fear of not being able to control himself. His commander then excused himself and said he'll be spending the next day getting his affairs in order.

He assumed Harry was talking to the Head Auror and Dumbledore since his priorities had shifted. If one thing was clear to Remus, it was that Harry Potter wanted to absolutely destroy whoever was the guiding hand controlling the puppet that was Demos. They were responsible for hurting Hermione Granger and for that, they would pay.

"Harry," he voiced in surprise. Harry and James stopped conversing and looked at him. The older wizard was struck at how they looked so much alike.

Father and son, indeed.

"Remus," Harry greeted. He stood from his seat beside James and approached his second-in-command. "I want to hear your updates later," the commander continued. "I've already spoken to Wincheseter and Dumbledore. I'm... I'm going to focus on this case. Dumbledore will find a temporary replacement for the Defence post. I want this resolved as soon as possible, and I need to work on it." There was anguish in his voice.

Remus understood and he nodded. "Of course," he replied. "I'll brief the team. Will you be joining us at HQ later?"

"As soon as Dumbledore finds a substitute professor," Harry confirmed. "Which should be within a couple of days, from what he's said."

"Good," Remus said. "I'm heading back then and will floo you later this evening. I'll send the patronus if there's anything urgent. Take care of yourself, Harry," he said it earnestly while looking into the younger wizard's eyes. Harry gave a sharp nod. Remus turned to James and smiled at the boy. "And see you later, Mr. Watson."

"Good bye, Mr. Lupin," James said with a wave. With another nod, Remus strode out of the infirmary without looking back.

As he walked towards Hogwarts' gates so he could apparate away, Remus sent a silent prayer to all of the gods out there. He couldn't help but feel as though he had narrowly missed a storm brewing inside the hospital wing. He could only hope that it wouldn't be so catastrophic and everyone would survive it with their hearts intact.

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