Chapter 16.7

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Out of the ten people in the waiting area of the hospital wing, he only recognized a few of them. He could guess who the other people were, though, especially as his best friends gasped in recognition.  

"What are you doing here?" Nate asked as he rushed forward to give his mum a hug around the waist. "Is everything okay? Where are the kids?"

James watched as the blonde woman smiled gently at Nate and squeezed him. "The kids are fine. Grandma Molly and Grandpa Arthur are looking after them. We're here because... because we are friends with Ms. Watson. We're here to visit." She said this as she looked straight at James.

James' eyes grew at her statement and Teddy led him towards the group. He was introduced to Teddy's mum and dad (who were Aurors as well and came to relieve the other two Aurors from their guarding duty), Draco (another Auror who gave him a firm handshake), Fred and George Weasley (whom he had met before at Diagon Alley and gave him grins), and then to Nate's mum and dad.

Nate's mum crouched in front of him so she could look at him. James thought that she had such pretty eyes. "Hi, James. My name is Luna. I knew your mum from school." Luna gave him a smile and offered a hug.

James breathed deeply and went into her arms. The feeling of such motherly embrace made it a little harder for James to breathe. He could feel the tears rising to the surface as he tried to process all of his emotions and what he had learned.

These were his mum's friends. From school. From her past life.

It must have been years since she had seen them and yet here they were... concerned for her health, wondering how she was doing, and meeting him for the very first time.

James felt security and a strange sense of familial affection for the woman who held him. Her hug was gentle yet firm and it reminded him of his very own mother. How he missed his mum's hugs.

A hand resting on his shoulder made him look up. He saw the tall, redheaded man with his shining blue eyes looking at him with a soft smile. James thought at that moment that Nate looked very much like his father.

"Hello, James," the man said. "I'm Ron Weasley, Nate's dad, and... your mum was one of my best friends." It confused James why Mr. Weasley faltered a bit when he said that. It even looked as if the man was holding back his own tears. And yet, James did what he had learned from his mum over the years. He stepped away from Mrs. Weasley's hug and extended his hand towards his best friend's dad.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Weasley," James said politely.

Ron firmly grabbed his hand and shook.

Footsteps echoed from the hallway behind where Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore stood which brought the small reunion and introduction to a halt. A figure emerged from the corner which drew a breath from every adult just as a delighted yell of his name erupted from one of the boys.

"Professor Potter!" James shouted and rushed towards the man. His arms circled around the professor's waist as the older man bent down to take him into his arms.

"James," Harry said with difficulty. He was shaking - he couldn't help it - as he held onto the boy.

James stepped back from the embrace just a bit to look at him. Professor Potter looked tired and defeated. He looked downright weary and... and broken. James had noticed this when Professor Potter came to see him yesterday to ask questions about his mum. The Auror who left Professor Dumbledore's office that night was so different than the man James saw after. When Professor Potter made him a promise on Hallowe'en, he was so determined and looked so formidable. That wasn't the same man James saw yesterday and definitely not the same now.

Something had changed in Professor Potter and James worried. 

Green eyes met brown eyes and James stepped back into the hug. He poured his gratitude into the embrace, as well as comfort and understanding even though he didn't know what troubled the professor.

"Thank you, Professor Potter," James said thickly. He felt the Auror breathe deeply. "Thank you for saving my mum."

"I would never break my promise to you, James," Harry said with so much emotion.

James didn't see the tear escape from Harry's eyes. He didn't hear the laboured breaths coming from the adults behind them nor did he see their intense looks towards the pair. James didn't see Nate's dad draw Nate into an embrace nor did he see Teddy's father do the same. He didn't see the grins fall from the twins' faces and he most certainly didn't see the tears from Mrs. Wesley's eyes as they watched the reunion.

To James, all he knew at that moment was that his mum was safe and recuperating while the man who saved her was hurting.

He didn't know why Professor Potter was hurting but James didn't dwell on that. He hugged him all the same and poured reassurance into the embrace, just like how his mum would hold him when he needed comforting.

Instinctively, he murmured softly. "Everything is going to be okay, Professor." He said it with so much confidence and so much hope.

Harry only squeezed him tighter. How ironic it was that the child was comforting the adult.

Harry felt torn in two. Half of him was so angry with Hermione. That half felt resentful, pained, and it was the half of him that didn't want to care. Meanwhile, the other half of him worried. He worried about his old best friend, the mother of his child, and the woman he knew he still loved.

He didn't know how to reconcile both halves and it was only James' calming presence which kept him grounded.

Harry so very badly wanted to tell James the truth. He ached to tell his son that his father was right here. He wanted to get back the years he had missed out on and he longed to start building new memories with James as father and son.

But Harry knew now was not the right time. Telling James the truth... talking to Hermione... those would need to come later.

Harry simply hugged his son. James was okay, Hermione was safe, and now he knew. Those things would have to do for the moment.

There was always tomorrow.


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