Chapter 13.5

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Dumbledore knew its significance and he doubted that the events unfolding that night were a coincidence. He saw Harry look at him in question and he nodded once. The Auror immediately went to the burning fireplace at the far side of the office, grabbed a handful of floo powder, and threw it into the fire. The fire turned green and the face of Remus Lupin materialized in the flames a second later.

"Harry," Remus said in greeting, and was startled to see all occupants of the room behind his commander. He was even more surprised to glimpse his son and nephew in the room surrounding another boy. "What's going on?"

"Why did you send the griffin, Remus?" Harry answered the question with his own. Dread was starting to fill the pit of his stomach and he quickly looked at James who was still sobbing in his godsons' arms. This could not be a coincidence.

Remus looked at him, his face grim. "There was a report of a disturbance in a home in London just less than an hour ago, Harry. Our contacts in the London Police alerted us of its magical nature. Ansel and Yas were already there and confirmed the same trace we saw at the Met," Remus said. He voiced an address which sent James' head jerking up.

"That's my home!" He yelled, his voice breaking. Hearing his address from the man in the flames sent him into another wave of tears. He simply sobbed in the arms of his two best friends as they held each other tightly in the middle of the Headmaster's office.

Harry drew in a sharp breath. "Were there any..." He trailed off, his eyes conveying the question to Remus since he didn't want it said aloud for fear of James hearing.

Remus looked aghast and shook his head for he understood the silent question. "No. There was a struggle but... no," he said. Harry almost breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll be there soon, Remus," Harry said, his voice hard and authoritative. "Send our whole team there at once. I want everybody in that house working on this," he commanded. Remus nodded and after one last glance behind Harry to the huddle containing his son, nephew, and the other boy, his face disappeared from the flames.

Harry gazed at the fire and watched it turn back red. He turned on his heel and looked at the room. Everyone was silent except for James who was sobbing. He felt something catch in his throat as he walked towards the boy.

At noticing his presence nearby, James detached himself from the arms of Teddy and Nate and looked at Harry who had crouched down in front of him. Glazed brown eyes covered in tears and rimmed with red met fearless emeralds. "James," Harry began. "I promise to do everything in my power to make sure your mum is okay, alright?" He said softly.

A blur of brown filled Harry's vision as the boy launched himself into his arms. James wrapped his arms tight around his neck and cried on his shoulder. Harry slowly drew his arms around the boy and held him tight as he wept. Determination, fury, worry, and all sorts of other emotions were filling his chest. How dare they cause James so much heartache by involving his mum in whatever this was? Harry vowed to find his mother and make whoever did this pay. Harry wanted to make everything right again for this boy.

From his place in James' arms, Harry addressed the three other adults in the room.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm afraid I need to take a leave of absence from my post as Defense professor for a little while. I need to work on this case," Harry said, his voice resolute and pleading at the same time.

Dumbledore gazed at the two figures embracing, his blue eyes wide as he only now noticed the resemblance between the two of them. His brain was turning and his eyes quickly darted to Minerva who was looking at the two with tears in her own eyes. Meeting Harry's gaze, Dumbledore nodded his head. "I understand, Mr. Potter. Severus here can substitute for a little while and if need be, I will ask Sirius to come back temporarily."

"Thank you," Harry said to both the Headmaster and the potionmaster. Severus simply gave a nod of his head.

Turning to face the Transfiguration professor, Harry said softly. "Minerva... I will need to speak to you to ask you what you know." He watched as tears spilled from Minerva's eyes and Harry's heart squeezed in confusion and worry. "Please get some rest for now. My questions can wait, I'll come by later today with Remus after... after surveying the scene." Minerva nodded.

The Auror turned his attention to his two godsons. Their tired and worried eyes were also lined with red and salt stained their cheeks. "Nate, Teddy... be strong for James, okay?" He whispered. Nate bit his lower lip as he and Teddy also nodded their assent.

Harry gently and carefully unwrapped James' arms from around his neck. He looked at the boy again and raised a hand to wipe away his tears. "James, I'm going to find your mum and bring her home to you," Harry said, his voice hard and strong. It was a bold statement indeed; a vow which he intended to keep. He could not bear the idea of James losing his mother on top of already not having a father.

"Th-thank you, Professor," the boy whispered. And James believed him. There was fire in Professor Potter's eyes and he knew the man would try his hardest to help his mum.

Harry stood tall from his position and his demeanor changed completely. James was reminded of the first time he had glimpsed Professor Potter - no, Auror Potter - two months ago during the Welcome Feast. Strong, confident, lethal. His jaw was set, his body was tensed. His eyes were sharp as he looked out the window. Auror Potter was every bit the portrait of a protector and James felt hope building in his chest that everything really would be alright. Because how could they not if they were in the hands of this man?

Harry nodded in farewell to everyone in the room and squeezed James' shoulder one last time. He turned and strode through the office door.

His feet quickened as he descended the stone steps behind the gargoyle.

There was no time to waste.

He had a promise to keep.


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