Chapter 15.5

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Three wizards appeared at the apparition point of Diagon Alley to see the street just waking up around them. The sun was still low in the sky as early Sunday shoppers sipped hot teas while walking up and down the alley. Queues were starting to form outside of shops which were still closed. Many wizards who saw the trio of men gave curious looks and bows of respect.

Harry led the way to the middle of the street to a ramshackled old shop he knew so well. Two pillars with peeling grey paint flanked a large window displaying a solitary wand on top of a dusty velvet box. The sign at the top of the window in gold letters read "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C." The sign read "Open" so Harry grasped the brass handle and led Ron and Remus inside.

There was a little chime from the doorbell and the men filtered inside. They stood awkwardly in the cramped quarters in front of the desk as they waited for Mr. Ollivander to emerge from the back, their forms so much larger than what the space could accommodate. A head peeked from further inside the shop and the short form of Mr. Garrick Ollivander strode forward to greet them.

"Gentlemen, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked once he was in the receiving area. Remus and Ron smiled at him and nodded in greeting from behind Harry, but their dark haired captain looked at him quite stonily. Ollivander sighed and sat down behind the desk. He had been waiting for this since that day in July. He waved his wand and the sign at the front flipped to "Close".

"Hermione... and James," Harry whispered. "You knew all along." It was more of an accusatory remark than a question. Harry's emerald eyes probed Garrick's silver cat-eyes for answers and Garrick's gaze did not waver.

He nodded. "I did, yes," Garrick replied.

"How could you not tell me?!" Harry exploded in question. Ron's hand came to grip his shoulder from behind as he demanded answers from his old friend.

"It was not my story to tell, Mr. Potter," Garrick answered gently.

Harry breathed deeply as he tried to keep his emotions in check. His eyes drifted from the silver orbs and darted around the place, willing himself to not lose control in front of his friends.

"We're not here to discuss the past, Mr. Ollivander," Remus said firmly from behind, and Harry could tell that, though silent, his name was included in the list. "We came to see you today because Ms. Granger is in trouble. Her house had been broken into and she had been taken. We think it was because of her work."

Garrick's gaze shifted from the man at the front of the trio to the brunette behind him. Silver eyes squinted in worry. "Is James alright?" He asked.

Remus stepped forward and nodded. "Physically, yes, but he's worried. They were talking through two-way mirrors when Ms. Granger was attacked and taken."

Garrick's eyes closed in distress. "My goodness. No child should have to witness that."

"If you know anything about Ms. Granger's work, then please tell us. It will help us in finding her, Mr. Ollivander." Remus urged.

"Of course, Mr. Lupin," Ollivander said. "But I'm afraid I don't know much. Hermione doesn't write to me specifics about her work. Though recently, she did start expressing an interest in staves."

"Staves?" Ron, who had been silent this whole time, asked in confusion.

Ollivander nodded his head. "Yes, staves, Mr. Weasley. A staff is like a wand but slightly different. For one, it's longer, usually much longer than a person's forearm and could even extend to the ground. While a wand has magical core, its main purpose is to be a channel of one's magic. It can have residual magic from its last owner, sure, but a wand in the hands of a Muggle would be nothing more but an explosive stick - no controllable magic can come from it. A staff, on the other hand, is inherently and wholly magical. It's no longer just a channel for magic but an instrument of magic. A staff in the hands of a Muggle could do great things."

Ron's brows wrinkled after Mr. Ollivander's explanation. "That sounds awfully dangerous. Have you ever seen an actual staff?"

The older man shook his head in the negative. "I have not, Mr. Weasley. I've heard stories about legendary staves but I have never seen one myself. They're extremely difficult to make since the craft of staff-making have been lost over the years. A staff isn't a free-for-all either. They're not like wands where you can use it to cast virtually any spell. A staff is more restricted in that its magical abilities are predetermined."

"Did Ms. Granger tell you why she was asking those questions?" Remus asked.

Ollivander shook his head no.

"And when was the last time you saw her, Mr. Ollivander?"

"I saw her in person just earlier this month. Her and her friend Rose visited Diagon Alley and we ran into each other," Ollivander replied.

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander," Remus said.

"No problem at all, Mr. Lupin. Please keep me updated. And please... please find her," Ollivander said, his gaze shifting to look at their silent leader.

Remus and Ron gave another nod of their heads in goodbye and turned to exit the shop. Harry looked at Garrick silently before turning his back and following the two through the door. Just before he exited, Garrick called out.

"Mr. Potter," Garrick said softly. Harry paused and after a second turned and looked back to his old friend.

"Harry," Garrick began again, standing from his seat. "I am truly sorry. But please... give Ms. Granger a chance to explain."

Harry looked at the man, his face in anguish. For a minute they stood with no words passed between them. And then Harry turned, pushed the door opened, and walked out of the shop. 

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