Chapter 11.3

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Harry angled his broom downwards and slowed his pace. He had noticed James Watson making his way towards the field from above and Harry thought it'd be a good time for a chat so he would stop wallowing in his thoughts. It was barely past 6am and already he needed a distraction.

And James, Harry was glad to admit, was very good company. The young boy was smart and so comfortable around Harry that Harry always found himself enjoying their conversations. He touched down on the ground and James approached him with a grin and a wave.

"Good morning Professor Potter!" The boy said in greeting.

Harry dismounted his Stormbreaker and returned his wave. "Good morning James! You're up early, I see."

James walked towards an oak tree lining the side of the pitch and took a seat on the grass. Harry followed his lead and sat down underneath the tree as well next to the boy. He laid his broom to the side and extended his legs in a stretch.

"I wanted Athena to deliver a letter early for me. It's my mum's birthday today!" James exclaimed. Harry found himself smiling. From the conversations he and James had previously, it was clear to him that this boy was devoted to his mother. James' "mum" would sometimes come up in conversations (like "Mum taught me this spell," or "Mum's not a fan of flying") that it became very obvious to Harry she and the boy were very close. And Harry didn't mind this at all, for he wished he had a "mum" to talk about when he was in school. Harry figured a dad wasn't in the picture since James never spoke of him before.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate waking up to your letter," Harry replied.

"Thanks, Professor!" James chirped. "Say, Professor. What do you think about joining the Quidditch team in first year? Madame Hooch is encouraging me to try out for the Gryffindor team but I'm not too sure what to do..."

Harry's eyebrows rose on his forehead in surprise. He'd heard from James before that his flying classes were going better than what he expected but this was the first time he's hearing of James being told to try out for the Quidditch team. "I think that's excellent! Madame Hooch wouldn't have said that lightly so I'm sure she truly believes that you've got a shot in making it on the team!"

"But I'm only a first year though. What if I do make it on the team and can't handle all of my responsibilities? Schoolwork comes first, of course, but then there will be Quidditch practices and games and I'm scared I won't be able to handle both." James said with his eyebrows knitting in worry.

"James," Harry started. "I was in the Gryffindor Quidditch team when I was in first year and Merlin knows I did not have my shi- er, stuff together as much as you back then," Harry said. James turned to look at him and he continued. "Trust me when I say that you'll be fine. Quidditch was one of the best things that ever happened to me and it made my years at Hogwarts so much better. Besides, Nate and Teddy will be there to help you along the way - I'm sure of it."

"How was your first year like, Professor Potter?" James asked.

Harry smiled as he recalled his younger days. "It was difficult at first - I must admit - but it got better. I had no idea I was magical until Hagrid came and got me on my eleventh birthday. The whole thing felt so surreal and it didn't start to sink in until I was on the train to Hogwarts. Then I met my best friends, and I had my very first flying class. Malfoy - we work together now, but he was a knob back then - took a friend's remembrall and threw it across the field during class. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I knew I didn't want Malfoy to win. So I mounted my broom and zoomed across the field to get the remembrall before it fell," Harry said. "And James, being on that broom and catching that remembrall was one of the best feelings I've ever felt." He grinned at the boy listening so attentively. "And then Professor McGonagall came down to the class and told me she needed to speak to me. I thought I was in trouble. Everyone thought I was in trouble. But she took me to see Wood since she wanted me to play Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team!"

"Wow!" James exclaimed. "Did you know what Quidditch was before then?"

Harry laughed. "No! Wood had to explain to me the whole mechanics of the game. I was very hesitant to join the team until one of my best friends told me that my father used to play too," Harry said, his eyes softening. "They - my parents - were killed when I was a baby and I grew up not knowing a lot about them. But when I found out that my dad was in the Gryffindor Quidditch team, I knew I wanted to do it since it would be something he and I would share."

James nodded his head in understanding and thought that if he was put in Professor Potter's position he would do the same.

"The game made me feel closer to him. Being on a broom made me feel closer to him. His name was James too, you know. James Potter." Harry said with a smile to the listening boy. "He was a Gryffindor Chaser! My godfather said that he absolutely loved Quidditch."

James bit his lip before responding. "I wish I knew my dad, or at least know what he's like."

Harry's eyes softened at the remark. This was the first time James had ever mentioned his father. "If you ever need to talk about it to someone, James, you know I'm here."

James nodded and smiled at the professor. "I know, Professor. Thank you."


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