Chapter 13.4

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James, Nate, and Teddy raced through the dark halls away from the Gryffindor tower and toward the gargoyle on the second floor. They didn't know where Professor McGonagall would be at this hour so they thought to go to Professor Dumbledore's office and ask for her. James was shaking with fear, his hands clutched around the mirror which had gone dark, and Nate and Teddy had to support him as they half walked, half ran through the dark corridors.

"Just what are you three doing out of your common rooms at this hour?" A voice directly ahead of them asked. James squinted his eyes and saw Professor Snape walking towards them in long strides, a frown evident on his face. Relief filled James' system at the sight of someone who might be able to help, even if it was the strict potionmaster.

"Professor! Please help us! We need to see Professor McGonagall!" James exclaimed, his voice hoarse. Nate and Teddy nodded furiously on his sides.

Severus was shocked to see the fear and worry and dismay from the three boys' faces. When he heard their footsteps echoing through the darkness, he thought that it was ne'er do wells trying to cause mischief on All Hallows Eve. He hadn't expected this.

Severus bent his knees and crouched to look at the boy in the middle. He recognized him as James Watson, and he saw that tears were threatening to spill from the boy's eyes as he literally shook from his fear.

"Tell me what's wrong," he commanded.

"My... my mum," James whispered. "She's in trouble! I know she is! We were talking to her and suddenly there was a crash and she's gone... she told us to find Professor McGonagall so please Professor Snape, I need to see her!" James said frantically. It was then that Severus noticed the small glass mirror clutched tightly in the boy's hands. Realization dawned on his face and he stood up fully.

"Very well, follow me. We were at Professor Dumbledore's office having tea after the feast. She's still there," he said. The three boys nodded and with a swish of his black cloak, Severus walked back to where he came from with three Gryffindor boys tailing after him.


Minerva and Harry were just in the middle of bidding Professor Dumbledore good night when the office door opened and Severus walked back in, his face grim. It took a moment for Harry to see the three young boys behind him until they were all inside the circular office of the Headmaster. Immediately Harry knew something was incredibly wrong. The look on the boys' faces were worrying and James looked to be near tears. Harry had to stop the instinctive need to envelope him in a hug as Dumbledore looked at the newcomers. 

"Severus," Dumbledore said, his old blue eyes squinted in worry and shifted between the professor and the three boys. "Is something the matter?"

"I'm afraid so, Professor Dumbledore," Severus said. "I came across them when I was walking back to the dungeons and they insisted they needed to speak to Minerva. James, would you like to explain?"

Minerva was surprised to see students come strolling through the door with the Slytherin head in the middle of the night. She was even more surprised when she realized who they were. What were her Gryffindors doing out of bed at this hour? And, more importantly, why was it this particular set of Gryffindors? She was brought out of her stunned stupor when she heard her name and James broke rank and stood in front of her, his face grave.

"Professor McGonagall, please, you need to help me!" James whimpered. "We were talking... and then there was a crash, and then she was gone..." James said incoherently, tears finally spilling onto his cheeks.

Minerva crouched down and placed her hands on the boy's shoulders. "James, you need to slow down. Start from the beginning and tell us what happened." She said softly.

"Me, Teddy, Nate... we were talking to my mum through this," Jame said, lifting his hand to show Professor McGonagall the object in them. Minerva's eyes widened both at the mention of his mother and seeing the rare two-way mirror. "It was all okay, but then there was a big crash in our house and I could tell she was scared," he explained, his voice breaking from his tears. "She told us to find you before... before she left. The mirror went black and I've tried to reach her but I can't, Professor McGonagall! The mirror isn't working anymore and I know she's in trouble so please Professor, please help her!" Minerva's face drained of all colour and James openly sobbed in front of her.

Teddy walked forward and enveloped James in a one-armed hug. The blonde also faced his head of House and offered a fact which James had missed. "Professor... Ms. Watson also said to tell you that... that they found out," he added.

"Oh Godric," Minerva whispered, her right hand leaving James' shoulder and moving to cover her mouth in shock. This could not be happening. Hermione was so smart, so careful. She planned for every possibility and moved so carefully. How was it possible that they knew? Shakily she stood up and braced herself against a chair opposite of Dumbledore's desk.

Dumbledore watched the scene with confusion and concern etched on his face. He was about to voice a question and ask for an explanation when a corporeal patronus of a griffin sped through the closed door of his office. The white light shaped in the form of an animal that was half lion and half eagle stopped its flight in front of Harry and reared its head back in a mighty screech. For a moment no one in the office moved and simply watched the patronus beat its mighty eagle wings in front of Harry in urgency before disappearing into thin air.

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