Chapter 14.1

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revelio (charm)
a spell used to reveal concealed objects, messages, and invisible things


Chapter 14

The townhouse was bustling with activity to all non-Muggle eyes. Harry apparated outside its front lawn and surveyed the scene. Underneath the bright moon, the Gryphons worked methodically. Cyprian and Yas were interviewing two Muggle police who had responded to the disturbance call that night. Thankfully the police were aware of the magical world (one of them was a squib) that they realized the special nature of the busted door laying flat after breaking free from its hinges. A peek into the entryway told them no ordinary human was responsible for the break in and so the right authorities were called. Nova was looking curiously at the marks left on the door frame and Harry spied the rest of the Gryphons walking inside through the open entryway.

Remus passed through this same entryway and stood in front of Harry. He looked tired but alert, Harry observed.

"Harry, it's good to see you in person again, though I wish it was in better circumstances," Remus said. He clasped Harry's forearm and the men gave each other quick hugs.

"I know, Remus," Harry whispered in reply. He lifted his head to look at the house. "What do we know so far?"

Remus gestured to the townhouse behind them. "The house is registered to a Ms. Jane Watson. She's a researcher and historian though she publishes her work under her initials "H.J. Watson" as per her profile on the Institute of Historical Research. She had just turned 29 in September and... and we know that she has a son," Remus said, face turning grim as he recounted the floo conversation from earlier that night. One look at Harry's dark face and Remus could tell he, too, was thinking of the distressed boy who was crying for his mother. "His full name is Daniel James Watson but he preferred to go by James based on the school records we had pulled. Honestly, we don't have a lot on her. There are no magical records and it looked as though she lived as a Muggle. The only thing which ties her to the magical community is James. I've got Tonks trying to dig up more information on Ms. Watson. She might not even be a witch."

Harry shook his head. "No, I know she's a witch. James had talked about her before," Harry said. He was reminded of James' sheepish face as he told Harry his mum hated to fly but loved every other subject in school. "In fact, she might have gone to a magical school in Europe. Check Beauxbatons or Durmstrang for someone who might fit her profile. Check Hogwarts as well, but I doubt she went there. I don't recall a Watson at school even though she's my age. Although... she knew Professor McGonagall." He said, his eyebrows creased as he tried to imagine how the two women knew each other.

"Ms. Watson knew Minerva?" Remus asked in surprise. "How do you know?"

"Teddy, Nate, James... They were talking to Ms. Watson minutes before she was attacked," Harry explained. Remus' eyes widened as he started to piece together why his son and nephew were at Dumbledore's office that night. "James had a two-way mirror, Remus. I guess he told Teddy and Nate about it since they're best friends. But during their conversation, Ms. Watson was attacked. Before she left, she told James and the boys to find Minerva... and to tell her that she has been found out."

Remus' eyes widened.  "Ms. Watson is a historian, a researcher. And we know she's a witch. We're not sure yet what her latest projects were or whom she worked for but it might be her work which led her to Minerva and got her into all of this mess." Remus said. "Harry... we need to interview her and the boys."

Harry nodded grimly, his lips drawn in a thin line. "I know. I've told her we'll speak to her later today. We need to let Ron know too; we can't interview Nate without his or Luna's consent," Harry said. Remus made a note to call Ron later in the morning. "For now, I want to see this house. Talk me through it."

Remus gave a nod and gestured to the interview taking place off to the side of the house. "The police don't know much, unfortunately," he said. "They were called by one of the nextdoor neighbours. They responded to the call and saw this. One's a squib and recognized that magic was involved and alerted us. They claimed to not have gone further from the door. We interviewed the neighbour, the one who called the police, and he recounted that he heard a bang and a loud crash from next door. He looked out his window and saw smoke rising from Ms. Watson's door so he called the police. He couldn't remember anything else so we've Obliviated him."

"Are any other Muggles aware of this?" Harry asked, his face looking around the street. He spied many Hallowe'en decorations on the porches of the row of houses, but no one seemed to be outside. He looked warily at the other house which was to the right of the Watsons' but saw no light coming through its windows.

Remus shook his head. "Not that we're aware of. The police said it's a quiet neighbourhood. The other neighbour is away on holiday."

Remus led Harry across the manicured lawn and towards the marble steps leading to the front door. Some of the brightly coloured pumpkins and gourds which lined the steps were smashed into pieces. Jack-o-lanterns greeted Harry with broken smiles, the flames in their hearts flickering faintly in an attempt to remain alight.

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