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- Ronan's P.O.V. -

Millie made eye contact with me, her eyes black all over. Even from this distance, I could tell she was begging me to do it. She'd figured it out, but for her, it was too late. She couldn't do it herself.

Ronan, I heard in my thoughts. She was reaching out to me in the only way she could- the darkness was preventing her from moving or speaking, and it seemed as though I was the only one who could get near to her. Probably because I was able to teleport, which in itself actually used energies from the darkness element.

It can only be me, I realised with a sudden thought.

Haydn had his Black Prometheum long-sword raised above his head, ready to separate the darkness from the light.

It was now or never.

Just as Haydn began to bring the sword down, I grabbed a blade from Stark's utility belt, and teleported to the spot just in front of Millie. This had to work. It had to. If it didn't, we'd all be screwed. The entire world would be. But more than that, it would be a screwed up world without Millie in it, and that wasn't something I could bare thinking about.

"I love you." I whispered, before I forced myself to shove the knife through her heart.

What did I just do? Regret shook me to my core. What I'd just done was not reversible.

I'd killed her.

Oh, fuck.

I'd killed her.

Millie looked as though she were about to say something behind those black eyes, before the darkness within her threw me backwards several feet. I landed hard on the grass, rolled a few times, and then stopped, winded.

I looked up.

"NO!" Haydn shouted, his voice laced with worry. Fear. He had his hand over his heart, as if he'd felt the knife go through it himself. Perhaps he had. Did they share a physical connection? If that was the case, then this fight would be over before we knew it and Haydn would die alongside Millie. But would that mean Millie couldn't come back? I mean, the light was still there, hovering next to the darkness. It was still up for grabs.

My suspicions were denied when I noticed the darkness begin to make its way towards Haydn. Not only did it flow from the great orb in the centre, but it also started to flow out of Millie. No longer having the darkness to hold her up, Millie then fell sideways. I could see that she was still awake, though, her eyes no longer black. She was still bleeding, as the remaining darkness left her. The blade was still poking out of her- she hadn't bothered to try and take it out. It soaked through her jumper and down her belly, and I began to worry that she'd lose too much blood to come back. I knew the whole point was for her to die, but there was a very short space of time for her to die and get to the light. What if we were too late? What if she was too late? What if we were wrong this whole time?

Haydn laughed then, as the darkness filled him and he realised that Millie's death had no impact on him. In fact, he was probably thinking that I'd done him a favour. He no longer had to share the darkness. Hopefully he didn't know that Millie wasn't doing this just to rid herself of the stuff, but that she had an underlying plan.

He couldn't know, surely?

Even if he did know, there wouldn't be anything he could do about it.

Would there?

My thoughts were jumbled and panicked and all over the place, as Haydn started talking quietly to Millie. He was kneeling next to her, almost whispering- I couldn't make out what he was saying. Then, he seemed to stroke her cheek. A hot anger flared up inside me then, and so I made an effort to get up. What did he think he was doing? Who did he think he was? How dare he touch her like that. I felt terrible that Haydn's face was the last one Millie would see before she died, but then again, perhaps it would spur her on.

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