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We'd been taken back to Capital Base in London. Everyone was a little stressed, but it was contained. It would have been unprofessional to have people running around like headless chickens, and I wouldn't expect that kind of reaction from an organisation such as this.

I didn't really know what was going on. I mean, there was a dude who'd materialised from some strange orb, who knew my name. He then vanished, but not before injuring some of us. I noticed that the non-supernaturals who were there took the brunt of the blast, but they were okay. A few scratches and bruises, but I doubted it was anything they weren't used to.

"Millie, come with me." Stark said, leading me through the computers. He had a very serious tone to his voice, and for a moment, I wondered if he was angry at me. But, when we sat down at his desk, I realised it wasn't anger- it was concern. "Do you know who that man was?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No."

"Are you absolutely certain?" Stark said. "Because he seemed to know who you were."

"I'm positive." I said. "I didn't even recognise him."

Stark took a breath, and then nodded in thought. There was a moment of silence.

"Did you know who he was?" I asked.

Stark shook his head. "Not at the moment." He said, and then looked at me. "That'll be all, Millie. I'll get someone to take you back to the family house."

I frowned. "That's it?" I asked, shocked. "You drag me along to see all that, and then just expect me to forget about it?"

Stark raised his eyebrows. "Need I remind you to whom you're speaking to, Millie?" He said. "I know you want to get to the bottom of this just as much as we do, but here, we have a way of doing things. We have protocols. If we want you to know something, we will tell you. Otherwise, you do not push. Is that understood?"

I felt my shoulders slump down. I guess I had forgotten who I was speaking to. "Sorry, sir." I said, and stood up to leave.

"Millie." Stark said, just as I went to go out the door. "I'd take the next day to say your goodbyes to your friends at St. Michael's. After tomorrow, you won't be returning. We have enough information." He paused. "You've done well."

I managed a smile. "Thank you, sir."

And I left.


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