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I sat in the field for a long time, on a large log, just thinking. I felt tired from my lightning fusion earlier, but the last thing I wanted to do at the moment was sleep. Had Stark Henderson basically offered me a job? It seemed that way.

After about an hour of sitting with just my thoughts, I called Ronan.

A few moments later, and he was sat next to me.

"What's up?" He asked.

I frowned. "I think I just got offered a job." I said.

He looked at me. "You did?" He asked. "By who? Doing what?"

"The Supernatural Entity Division of the UK Government." I said, repeating what Stark had called it.

Ronan's eyebrows went up. "Seriously?" He asked.

"You seem surprised?" I said.

"No, not surprised." He said, and chuckled. "Excited, actually. Did you accept?"

I laughed. "No, I didn't accept- I don't even know what it is I'm accepting yet."

"Oh, right." Ronan said, realising how stupid it would have been if I'd just accepted then and there. "What happened?"

"These two Dreamwalkers and a man just appeared, and then he started blabbing on about who he was and where he worked." I said. "Then he said he wanted me to be part of his team. He said I could think about it, but he knew everything about me. About Haydn, and Doctor Geralds and Fujio."

"Yeah, not much escapes their watch." Ronan said.

"The guy, Stark Henderson- he said you'd worked for them before?" I asked.

Ronan nodded. "Yeah, I have on a few occasions. Just some small jobs here and there. Dealing with rogue Argents. Mysterious missing person cases. Nothing too extreme, though."

"Oh." I said. "So... what do you think I should do?"

"Well, it's up to you, of course." Ronan said. "But it's not everyday that you're approached by the SED. Very few people know of their existence. To be approached by them is a privilege, and your decision should not be taken lightly. If you turn them down now, there is no going back. That's it."

I mean, I was looking for a job at the moment. I was also unsure as to what field I wanted to go into- perhaps this was a sign. Somebody telling me that being an Argent was now everything to me. It was a huge part of my life. It was what I was supposed to be doing.

"I don't know if this is a stupid question." I said. "But this is, like, an actual job, right?"

Ronan chuckled. "Of course." He said. "It would be like working for any other division within the Government. You'd get a wage. You'll work shifts, probably. The only difference is that the work you do is the most secret of the secret."

I pulled the business card that Stark had given me out of my pocket, and stared at it for a moment. "He said I could ask him questions if I wanted."

"Then just give him a call." Ronan said. "Maybe sleep on it, and then tomorrow you can really think about it. He might even let you go and visit the headquarters. But like I said, to be approached by them is a rarity. If you're approached, then they want you to work for them. You would be a very valuable member of the team, and would be bringing a unique set of skills to them. They're going to want to persuade you to work for them as much as they can."

I was glad I'd called Ronan- he was always full of good ideas and advice. I leaned sideways onto him, watching the sun turn the skies a deep shade of orange. He then put his arm over my shoulder, and for a long time we just sat there, enjoying each other's company in the summer evening.


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