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I woke early the next morning, full of anxiety and apprehension, but also excitement. I hadn't slept that well, having kept waking up in the night with a new question pop into my head. Or I'd just lay there wondering what was going to happen next in my life. All the jobs I'd looked at before just didn't seem to peak my interest, and now I was beginning to see that it was probably because none would quite live up to the excitement I'd experienced over the last three years. Perhaps, in the back of my mind, I'd been thinking that what I'd really like to do permanently and full time was actually be an Argent Eye. On the other hand, I'd never really thought of it being a possibility. I'd just assumed it was something I'd do on the side.

But, I didn't want to get my hopes up too much. I didn't know anything about working for the Government, and it may not entail what I think it does. I didn't want it to turn out to be one of those things that was too good to be true.

I waited for my mum and dad to leave for work before dialling the number on the grey card Stark had given me.

"Henderson speaking." A male voice said at the other end, very serious sounding.

"Oh, um, hi- this is Millie Robinson." I said.

"Ah, Millie- I wasn't expecting you to phone so soon. How can I help you?" He asked, his tone relaxing a little.

"Well, I've been thinking about what you said to me yesterday, and I spoke to Ronan as well." I began. "And to be honest, I'm still not sure. There's a lot I don't know about you guys, and I was wondering if there was any way we could meet properly? So maybe you can really explain what kinds of things I'd be doing?"

"Of course." Stark said. "That makes perfect sense. I can arrange for you to come to our Capital Base, if you like? That way, we can talk whilst I show you around the workplace. You can meet some of our other employees and speak to them. I can also answer whatever questions you have, perhaps to make things a bit clearer. Then, you can make a proper decision."

I smiled. "That sounds great." I said. "When can we do it?"

"Well, I have a couple of hours free tomorrow, if that works for you?" Stark said.

"Tomorrow?" I asked, slightly shocked at how soon it would be.

"Is that too soon?" He asked.

I thought for a second. I mean, of course it wasn't too soon. What else was I gonna be doing? "No, not at all." I chuckled. "I was just surprised that it would be that soon."

Stark also chuckled. "There's no time like the present, Millie." He said. "I will email you the details shortly, so you know the time and place."

"Great, thanks." I said, suddenly feeling very excited.

"You're welcome." He said. "Anyway, I must go- I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."

"And you." I said. "Have a good day."

"You too." He said. "Bye, Millie."

"Bye." I said, and hung up.


I didn't really know what to do with myself. About ten minutes after Stark and I had hung up, I got an email through with details for tomorrow. I had to be in London by 11am- apparently there were offices situated in the Shard, however the place where I would be based was in the SIS building in Lambeth. Madness. To think that I could potentially be working there was insane. I had aspirations to work for the Government within the technical department, but it seemed quite unlikely to happen and they didn't have any grad schemes running at the moment.

Well, not any normal ones, anyway.

I decided it would be good to tell my parents that I had an interview in London tomorrow, so that I didn't have to lie to them completely. I guess it was kind of an interview, but the other way around. I was seeing if I wanted to work there, rather than them seeing if they wanted me to work for them.

I text Ronan, just to let him know what was happening- I knew he was busy today with Luke. In the meantime, I planned my journey and made sure I knew exactly where I needed to go and what trains to catch. I guess Ronan could have taken me, but it would be better for me to try out the journey by myself, especially if I was going to work there permanently. Besides, it was sometimes nice to just do things the human way for a change.

It was a shame it was still the summer holidays- David and Irina wouldn't be at the university, so I wouldn't be able to pop by and say hi. Still, I was happy that Lambeth would be very nearby to Greenwich, so I would still be able to live in the Greenwich area.

I wondered if I'd even be able to tell them. I knew that if you worked on the normal side of the Government, you could tell people you worked there, but that was it. You couldn't discuss any of your work, or what was going on. But if you were working for a secret supernatural division? I was pretty certain you wouldn't be able to tell that to anyone. Unless they were an Argent, perhaps. Who knew.

These were all things I needed to ask.

My mum came through the front door.

"Hey!" She called through the house.

I hurried downstairs, a big grin on my face.

"What are you grinning at?" She asked, closing the front door.

"I have an interview." I said.

My mum's face lit up. "Really? Who with? When?"

"Well, I can't go into details, but it's with the Government. And it's tomorrow." I said.

"Tomorrow? That's very soon." She said.

I nodded. "I know. But it looks like a really good job."

She smiled. "Well, that's great!" She exclaimed. "Hopefully it all goes well. Is it in London?"

"Yeah." I said. "Gotta be there by eleven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Fantastic." She said. "If it was further in advance, I could have driven you to London. It's a shame I have to work."

I waved a hand. "Not to worry- it would be good to get a feel for the journey."

"True." She said.

I smiled, feeling even more excited than before. When my dad got home, we had the same conversation, and then had a nice dinner together.

Then, I had an early night.


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