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When I got home, I was excited.

Like, more excited than I'd been for a long time.

Perhaps even more than when I'd been offered a place at Greenwich university.

"How did it go?" Mum asked, as soon as I walked through the door.

I smiled. "I think it went pretty well." I said. "But I don't wanna speak too soon."

"That's good!" She said. "I've made your favourite for tea."

My eyes lit up. Could this day get any better?

"Lasagne?" I asked.

Mum nodded.

I clapped my hands together.

Despite the circumstances, we had a very normal meal, and perhaps for the first time since becoming an Argent, I felt very normal.

Maybe that was because my life was about to become very not normal for the foreseeable future.

More so than usual.

Or maybe it was because I was about to become a freaking supernatural secret agent for the Government, and this was probably one of the last times where I'd be sat round the dinner table with my parents as an unemployed graduate.

I guess that meant I'd made my decision, then?

Hell yeah.


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