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I went and sat on the ground, in a patch of sunlight- it seemed fitting. Stella and Ronan both stood a few metres away from me, just in case something should happen, although I really hoped it didn't. I wasn't sure if I could handle Haydn again today.

"So, what now?" I asked, crossing my legs.

Stella looked at Ronan, and then back at me, not really sure. "I guess... try and think back to when you had the light?" She suggested.

I frowned, thinking back to when the light used to make an appearance right after the darkness. The first time that had happened was when I'd left David's office, and found myself drawn to Greenwich park. There, I'd bumped into a group of men, all with bad intentions. I'd nearly killed them, what with the darkness pumping its' way through my system. I'd enjoyed it, even. But then David turned up, and I'd felt the darkness leave me before being replaced with the light.

What a strange time that was. When nothing was clear about who I was or what was happening to me. I mean, nothing was particularly clear about what was happening right now, but it was certainly clearer than back then. At least now, I knew roughly what power I had. I knew who I was supposed to be and what needed to be done.

Sort of.

I also used to be able to access the light on demand, and use it to heal. There had been that awful but enlightening moment with Ronan when he didn't think I was ready to hear about who Haydn was. We'd fought brutally against each other, knocking one another senseless. Then, eventually, we stopped. Both of us were covered in bruises and bloody cuts, and it had been the light that healed us.

That seemed like a lifetime ago.

I thought about how it felt to wield the light. I'd only really used it to heal, and to drive away the darkness- not really to its full potential, I was sure. It always sent calming waves through me. It filled me with strength, but nothing like the strength the darkness gave. If it was used to heal, it would hurt at first, but then it would feel like a breath of fresh air. Like a coolness against my skin, but at the same time, a comforting warmth.

I opened my eyes, but was no longer in Stella's garden.

Instead, I was in a white space, a bit like the in-between world I'd been in before entering the afterlife, and in front me was a bright orb of white light.

Slowly, I stood up, not taking my eyes off the light in case it should disappear or something. As if any sudden movement might scare it away. For a moment, I just stared at it.

Hello, young Argent, it said. That's what the darkness always called me, but the light said it differently. It wasn't threatening. It was calming. Warm.

"Um, hello." I said, my voice a little shaky for some reason. Perhaps I was in awe of this entity, seeing it in its raw form floating before me.

You summon me, and yet we cannot unite, it said.

I frowned. "Why not?" I asked.

Look around you.

I did as the light said, at first seeing nothing but white, empty space. But then I realised it didn't mean look around the room- it meant look around me.

There, the darkness pooled. It gathered itself around my feet, and snaked itself up my legs and down my arms.

And it was angry. It was angry that I was here. That it was in such close proximity to the light. After all, Haydn had given it freedom. He had summoned the darkness, allowing it to separate from the light, even if it was only a small fraction of it.

"Can't you just replace it or something?" I asked. "I'd willingly give up the darkness for the light."

The light chuckled. Like, actually chuckled.

I know you would, young Argent. It said. But your other half would not.

Christ, it was making it seem like we were married or something.

"How come he gets the final say?" I asked, slightly pissed.

It's as simple as the fact that the darkness was there first.

I sighed, not quite believing that this was a matter of first come, first served. It seemed totally ridiculous, given the scenario.

"Is there any way I can get rid of it?" I asked. "How can I defeat Haydn?"

The light was silent for a moment.

The connection you share is one life cannot spare,

So to break the unbreakable, one must become the untraceable,

To become the untraceable one must do the unthinkable,

And only then can one rise, with the light in their eyes, and the connection will surely be severed.

I stood there staring, waiting for the light to say something else that actually made sense. To tell me that it had heard this riddle, and it think it means this and that.


It was silent.

"What does that mean?" I asked, although as I did, I could feel the darkness becoming more and more restless. The light remained quiet, but then it started to become bigger and brighter. "Wait!" I called, suddenly remembering an all important question that even Haydn didn't seem to know the answer to. "How do I find you? And the rest of the darkness?"

It laughed again.

At the right time, we will be found. It said. With the right strength, we will be united.

I frowned. "Wait, what?" I asked, although it seemed that my voice was being drowned out in the light, if that made sense. It was getting bigger and brighter, so much so I could no longer bare to look at it. "Please!" I cried, but it was no use.

Everything turned white.

I fell backwards, and then continued to fall until I felt my head hit something hard.

I blinked a few times, trying to rid my sight of the bright light, and then realised I was in Stella's garden again, laying on the grass. I'd hit my head on the ground, but not hard.

"Millie!" I heard Ronan call.

I just sighed loudly and dramatically, not even bothering to sit up as Stella and Ronan came over.


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