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I woke up bright and early for my first day at St. Michael's, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves. After all, I was basically on this mission alone. Whatever information I couldn't obtain would be on me, and I had no doubt that the outcome of this mission would determine what other missions I'd be allowed to do next. I wanted to show Stark and Penelope that I could do it, even if it was a fairly simple task.


"Okay, are you ready?" Stark asked. I still found it strange that he was wearing glasses- they made his grey eyes look huge.

I nodded. "I think so."

"If you need anything, you have our numbers in that phone." Stark said. Yesterday, I'd been given a new phone with a few contacts on it- namely mum, dad and Chrissy, but also a few other random people I didn't really know. There were also some random conversations on there between people, but social media was a no go, apparently. With today's technology, it would be easier for me to just tell people that I didn't do social media, and that I hated technology. That was probably the only major personality change I had to adopt, seeing as I'd just graduated from a computer science degree, but it shouldn't be too difficult. After all, it was just for a week.

"Okay." I said.

Stark nodded. "Good luck- I'm sure you will be fine."

"Thanks." I said, before leaving.


I had to get a bus, but that wasn't too bad- I had to walk down a country road to reach the bus stop, but even away from the house, only one other person got on with me, and they weren't even a student. Still, it was when I got off that the people started to become quite prevalent. Most of them, of course, were wearing school uniforms- that would make it easier to pinpoint Amy, seeing as sixth formers didn't have to wear uniform.

I made my way up the drive, keeping an eye out. I knew I had to go to the office to register before I did anything, seeing as I was new and had to go and get my planner and official timetable.

I looked through the little hatch of the office- a chubby lady was sat there, with frizzy blonde hair and round glasses. She looked up from her computer, and smiled.

"What can I do for you?" She asked politely.

"Oh, hi- I'm Mollie Richards." I said. "I'm just starting today."

"Ah, Mollie." She said, nodding. "If you'd just like to make your way through the side corridor there-" She pointed to my left, "-and knock on the headmaster's door, he should have everything ready for you."

I smiled. "Okay, thank you."

"No worries, dear." She said.

I went in the direction she'd said, and indeed there was a narrow corridor that went down the side of the office. I went past the deputy head's door, and then continued to the end until I reached the headmaster.

I knocked.

"Come in!" I heard a male voice say, and so I went in.

"Um, I was told by the office lady to come here." I said- the familiar awkwardness when talking to a teacher was beginning to kick in, for some reason. "My name's Mollie Richards- I'm new here."

"Ah, of course!" The headmaster said, and stood up from his chair and motioned to a seat in front of his desk. "Do come and take a seat. My name is Mr Eaton- as you may have guessed, I'm the headmaster here."

I smiled and nodded.

Mr Eaton then reached into a cardboard box and pulled out a book, before placing it on the desk in front of me. "This is your planner." He said. "You can do what you like with it, really- write homework or assignments in it. Sixth formers don't really use them that often, but it's up to you."

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