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I got home that evening, and started packing some things when Ronan appeared.

"Where are you off to?" He asked, seeing the holdall on my bed. He leaned on the doorframe to my bedroom, his arms folded.

I grinned. "I'm going on my second mission." I said. "And it's gonna last at least a week."

Ronan's eyebrows went up. "Wow, that was quick." He said. "What is it doing?"

"Well, I can't go into too many details, but I basically need to go undercover as a school student."

Ronan laughed. "Sounds riveting." He said. "You sure you're gonna enjoy doing school work again? Homework?"

I shrugged. "Honestly, I don't think it will be so bad." I said. "Especially when I know that the work isn't even going to count towards anything. Like, who cares if I fail? Maybe it'll even be fun."

Ronan laughed. "True." He said. "What school is it?"

"No idea." I said. "Gonna find out everything tomorrow."

"Will I be able to see you whilst you're doing all this?" Ronan asked, sounding perhaps a little sad that he might not be able to.

I screwed my face up. "I don't know, to be honest." I said. "I doubt it."

Ronan also pulled a face, but he knew why he wouldn't be able to. So, we continued talking about random stuff whilst I continued packing. Then, we spent the evening watching a movie.

I was so excited about the new mission, that I'd practically forgotten about the whole darkness situation that had occurred the previous night.

I just hoped that I didn't get the strange dream again.


When I woke to my alarm, I was relieved I hadn't had any unusual nightmares. In fact, it was almost as if it was some kind of one off dream. The more I thought about it, the more I'd persuade myself that it was nothing to worry about.

I ate some breakfast, and then grabbed my holdall to make my way to the SIS building.

"Hey, sister." Tina said with a grin as I walked down the stairs. She, too, had a holdall in her hands.

"Hey." I smiled. Of course, Tina was to be my undercover sister for the next few days.

"You excited?"

I nodded. "I think so."

"I mean, you drew the short straw what with having to go back to school." She said. "But I think you'd fit in better than anyone else here, seeing as you've just come from uni. You didn't go to school that long ago."

"True." I said. "I don't think it will be too bad."

Tina gave me a look that said I must be crazy about being okay with going back to school. I mean, maybe I was. I'd be a bit more dubious about going back to my old school, but this place would be totally new. Everyone would be a stranger. It would be a new experience. Besides, I'd barely been out of the education system. I was sure that I'd fit right back in again.

"Anyway, we need to go and meet Stark in the prep room." Tina said, and so we went.

When we got there, Stark was already sat at the table.

"Morning, ladies." He said, standing up. "You ready to go?"

"Yes!" Tina said enthusiastically.

I smiled and nodded.

"Righto." He said. "Your briefing will take place at Country Base. It'll be easier to just tell you everything there."

I nodded and followed Tina and Stark out of the room. Harry, the ginger Dreamwalker, was standing there, waiting.

"Harry, you take Tina and Millie for now." He said. "I will meet you all there later."

Harry nodded, before placing a hand on my shoulder and the other on Tina's.

Then, my feet left the floor.


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