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We landed in Greenwich park near some trees- it was dark, and as soon as we arrived, old feelings started to creep up on me. Memories of standing here, facing Haydn, came to the forefront of my brain, and they put me on edge.

But that wasn't the only thing.

The darkness within me began to stir, as if waking from a long sleep. I guess it hadn't wanted to join the party when I'd been bitten by the vampire. Perhaps it was sticking to our deal a little too closely- after all, I hadn't called to it. My brain had been too frazzled. Or, maybe it didn't even want to help me out.

Stark motioned us all to silently follow him, and so keeping low, we stuck to the edges of the park and remained in the shadows.

"He could be anywhere." Tina whispered. "This park is huge."

"Do you hear anything?" Stark asked her.

For a moment, Tina stopped and closed her eyes, concentrating on the sounds around her. Then, she opened them and shook her head. "Nothing except all your crazy beating hearts."

Stark smiled at that, and so we continued onwards.

As we kept walking, I could feel the darkness getting more and more restless, and started to wonder if that meant Haydn was close. Or perhaps I was just getting more and more nervous.

"Stop." Stark whispered, holding a hand up. We all stopped, and realised why after a moment- just ahead, there was a shadow. It just looked like a man wondering about, but with the park closed, we knew it could only be one individual.

Stark snapped into action straight away, using his links to the metal to bring out several blades from his belt. They hovered in the air for just a moment, rotating until they pointed the right way, before they were flung in Haydn's direction.

I barely saw them as they whizzed through the air like arrows, right towards Haydn-

They stopped, perhaps centimetres from Haydn's back. For a moment, they just floated there, but then as Haydn turned around to face us, so did the blades. I thought it would be difficult for me to think of this man as being Haydn, seeing as he had a different face and body, but the moment our eyes locked, I couldn't shake off the fact that it was him. I'd seen Haydn for a brief second in his natural state, right before he'd turned to ash. It was how he'd looked even before becoming an Argent. His eyes had been this brilliant green that I could never forget, and this man's before me were the same.

Haydn somehow had a hold of the blades Stark had fired, and didn't hesitate a moment longer- they all came zooming back in our direction, faster than when Stark had let them go.

Stark projected a magnetic field out and away from us, forcing the blades to clatter against it and drop to the floor.

Then, everyone else snapped into action. Pat shifted into his wolf form- a huge, black dog- and pounded towards Haydn. Meanwhile, Frida had summoned her lightning. Her eyes were glowing a bright yellow, before she released whatever energy she'd built up as a powerful lightning bolt.

I didn't even know where Tina had gone- probably to inflict some hand to hand combat on Haydn before he had a chance to see that she'd moved in the darkness.

Stark and Penelope had also run forward, and so I did the same. I fused with the ice to protect myself, as well as give me more physical strength, and continued to let the energy build. I noticed that around us, the trees were beginning to creak, as if awakening from a long hibernation. I then looked at Penelope, and noticed that it was her- she was commanding the trees to do as she willed, using their long, heavy branches to try and get to Haydn.

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