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When I first opened my eyes, the sudden bright light sent sharp, stabbing pains through my head. However, after blinking a couple of times, the pain cleared and I realised I was laying on a hospital bed. I was pretty certain that we weren't in an actual hospital, though- probably just an infirmary at the base. I sat up and started swinging my legs over the side of the bed, although everything ached.

A few moments later, and Stark was in the room.

"Millie, how are you feeling?" He asked. He was still dressed in his combat uniform, as was I, and I wondered how long I'd been out for. There were no windows in here, so I couldn't even see if it was dark or light outside.

"Um, okay, I think." I said, rubbing my tender cheek. I wondered why it hurt, but then remembered hitting it on the ground when I fell.

"What happened back there?" He asked. "That witch should have torn you to pieces."

I frowned. "I'm not really sure." I said. I mean, I wasn't technically lying, but I could have taken a good guess that the darkness within the witch's magic was nothing against the darkness in me. It felt like my body had stolen whatever dark power she'd had inside her, before I passed out.

Stark didn't look so sure- perhaps he could tell that I was lying, or was just trying to figure out what I was lying about.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." He said.

"Is everyone else okay?" I asked.

Stark nodded. "Yes, they're all fine. After you passed out, Tony woke up and the witch seemed to lose whatever dark magic she had before passing out as well. She's in the custody of the witches now."

"Oh." I said. "Good."

Stark frowned. "If you're feeling better, I'd like to have a word in my office." He said. "Whenever you're ready."

And with that, he walked out.

I took my time getting up- the side on which I'd fallen over ached a bit, but it was pure exhaustion that was the main issue. I just needed some sleep in my own bed. Still, I made my way to Stark's office, which was open. I walked in, closed the door, and took a seat.

"Millie, I need to ask you something." He said, getting straight to the point. "I get the feeling that you're not being completely honest with me or the team." He paused. "You know, this team is built on honesty- it's important that we are honest with each other so that we can provide the best support for all our agents. So that we can all remain safe from danger, both external and internal."

I swallowed, not really sure what I should disclose. I didn't want my links to the darkness to affect my job, but I also didn't want the lies to do that. I realised then that me lying about the darkness could potentially pose a danger to everyone here, and so immediately I felt bad. I should have just told Stark the truth from the very beginning. But then again, maybe I would have told him if he'd been honest about Haydn.

"I get the same feeling." I said, and looked at him. "About you being completely honest with me."

"Millie, this is not the same." He said. "Me not disclosing information to you is nothing personal- it's protocol. We don't tell all our agents everything because there is simply no need to. It would get everyone wrapped up in too many things."

"I understand that." I said. "But this isn't just some ordinary case. This isn't just some ordinary guy you're dealing with, and I think that there is every need to tell me about him."

Stark's head perked up- clearly he didn't think I knew who he was. "Millie, do you know who this individual is?" He asked.

"I have my suspicions." I said. "But I don't think I'm the only one."

Stark sat back in his chair, and sighed. He then waited, as if thinking about whether he should let me in on anything.

"I am already involved in this, whether you like it or not." I said. "There's no escape for me."

"What makes you say that?" He asked.

I pursed my lips. "You were right when you said I wasn't being honest." I said. "But you're not gonna like it."

Stark leaned forward, his elbows on the desk. "Go on." He said.

And so I started from the beginning.


Stark hadn't been totally informed about my previous experiences with the darkness, so I decided to start from there, back when Haydn first became a problem in my life. I explained that Haydn had originally planned to take the darkness for himself, but I'd inadvertently disrupted his plans and ended up having the darkness instead. Then, I had to awaken all the elements to force the darkness out of me before Haydn could get to it, but obviously, that hadn't worked out so well.

I then explained my recent encounters with the darkness, starting from my dream, to seeing the strange man who we thought was Haydn, to what happened tonight.

"I mean, it would make sense." Stark said, taking this all remarkably well. "Dark magic feeds off darkness, but what you're talking about... the stuff inside you, it's like the darkness in its raw form?"

I nodded.

"A witch who uses dark magic basically combines their own magical ability with the darkness." He continued. "It becomes diluted. That's not to say it is weak in any way, but it would certainly be weaker than the darkness you possess."

Then that would make sense, seeing as the witch's darkness had had no effect on me. Not a negative one, anyway.

"You don't seem very mad at me." I said, having expected Stark to be at least a little bit pissed that I'd kept this from him.

He shrugged. "Honestly, if it weren't for you, we'd have a few dead bodies on our hands." He said. "I'll admit, I'm a bit disappointed you didn't say anything, but I can't imagine how you must be feeling about all this. About the fact that Haydn is probably back. I'm glad you've come to your senses, though."

I mustered a smile, also glad that I'd said something. It felt like a weight had been somewhat lifted. "Same."

Stark frowned. "You look exhausted- perhaps you should return back home. Rest tomorrow, and then you can be back here bright and early on Monday." He paused. "I will fill you in on everything then."

I nodded, in total agreement. I was super tired, and wanted nothing more than my bed. "I'll get Ronan to come and get me."

"Okay." Stark said. "Goodnight, Millie."

"Night." I said, before walking out of the building to call Ronan. He came almost immediately, and took me straight home. Of course, he wanted to know what had happened, but I said I would tell him in the morning. For the time being, I just kissed him goodnight, and collapsed onto my bed, before crashing out.


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