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When I opened my eyes, I felt someone's arms around me. I was laying down, face up, but the top half of my body was being supported by someone. It was kinda dark, too, so things weren't too clear at first. All I could make out were the dark silhouettes of trees around me.

"Millie?" I heard Ronan say, and realised that it was him holding me.

I smiled at his voice, and turned to face him. "Hey." I said.

I saw Stella was also there, with David, Irina and Miss Jones standing behind him, all looking down at me. I then remembered Tina, and had to swallow back a fresh wave of tears. I sat up, and looked over to see Stark, Penelope, Frida and Pat all looking this way, but they were surrounding a body.

Tina's body.

Even though I knew Tina had gone, I had to go and see for myself. I got up, ignoring everyone for a second, and ran over to her.

"Millie." Stark said, trying to hold me back. As if he didn't want me to see her. I could tell that he was hurt, though. I knew him and Tina had been working together for a very long time. Still, I pushed past him, and looked at Tina.

She was laying face up, her eyes closed. Her skin was very pale, too- paler than before. It had a sickly, grey tinge to it, and no longer held that glowing aura that all vampires seemed to have. She also had some gruesome bruises decorating her neck, where it had been broken.

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat, before tears escaped my eyes and ran down my face.

"I just saw her." I sniffed, wiping my cheeks.

Everyone looked at me.

"You did?" Stark asked, his eyes red.

I nodded. "She said to tell you thanks for everything you did for her."

Stark smiled at that, and nodded.

"And she said to kick Haydn where it hurts." I said after managing to collect myself a bit more.

People laughed at that, before I gasped. Haydn's final words to me started ringing loud and clear in my mind.

"My parents." I said, eyes wide. "Haydn said he'd give my parents my regards. That's where he must have gone."

Stark must have seen the panic on my face. "Okay, calm down, Millie." He said. "There's a wolf pack surrounding your house at all times. They can hold Haydn off until we get there."

I just nodded, but it didn't ease the panic. I wasn't sure that no matter how big the wolf pack was, they would be nothing against Haydn and the darkness.

"We need backup." Stark said. "Even with Millie here, we can't risk going in without it. We need all the help we can get."

Again, I nodded.

"Right, I want half the team to go with Millie to her parent's house." He continued. "The rest of you will come back with me to gather supplies and help. We can take Tina back, too." He then looked at me. "We will meet you there. Please don't do anything that will get you killed."

I frowned, because me literally being within any close proximity of Haydn was doing something that could get me killed.

"You know what I mean." Stark added, if with a bit of humour. "You're our greatest weapon. I don't wanna turn up and find you dead. Again."

I nodded, and took one more look at Tina, before Ronan took me, Irina, David, Miss Jones and Stella back to Kent.

I just prayed that we weren't too late.


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