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I explained everything to my parents, right from when I'd become an Argent in the first year of university, to Haydn's first appearance, to Doctor Geralds to Fujio to now. I didn't say that to become an Argent, Ronan had to stab me- that would not have gone down well. I just said that it was probably the knife attack that triggered my dormant elemental powers, which was completely coincidental. I also didn't tell them that I actually had died earlier today, and that once again, Ronan had been the one to do it, and I didn't go into major details about Doctor Geralds and Fujio.

But it wasn't the supernatural part that my parents seemed worried about- it was the danger part. The part when I would continue to put myself in harms way.

"It's part of the job, mum." I said. "Besides, things aren't like when I was at uni anymore. Now I have a professional team at my back, and people who are way more powerful than me who make important decisions."

Both mum and dad nodded. We'd just finished our third round of tea, thanks to Stella who just kept them coming. I was glad she was here- my parents knew Stella through church, and the fact that she was involved made it seem better. I could show them that literally anyone could be of supernatural blood.

"Besides." Stella chimed in. "Not every day is like the day you guys just had. That's not common at all."

"Exactly." I said. "Most of the time, I'm sat in an office doing paper work, or just going out to check on people. It's never usually that dramatic."

The parents nodded again, before silence. They didn't know what to say.

"So, you saved the world today?" My dad said, breaking the silence.

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess I did." I said.

"And without you being a... supernatural, we would all be dead by now?" He asked.

I nodded. "Probably."

My dad then nodded, having made up his mind about all this. My mum, I could tell, was still dubious, but I knew it would take time for her to get her head around it.

"Okay." She then said. "I mean, I need to think and I need to get my head over today, but... okay."

I was flooded with relief to hear her say that. I knew she'd have a million questions to ask tomorrow, but for now, I think it was safe to say that we were all on the same page.

"Oh, and there is something else." I said, thinking I should probably mention it now rather than later.

My parents' faces dropped, worried.

I looked up at Ronan. "Ronan is my... um..."

"Boyfriend?" Mum said.

Both Ronan and I looked up at that.

Mum and dad smiled. "Yeah, we guessed that at your graduation." Dad said. "It was kinda obvious."

I could feel my cheeks begin to flush then, and I laughed. "Oh." I said. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Mum shrugged. "We thought you'd want to tell us yourself." She said. "Anyway, it's very nice to meet you properly, Ronan." She added. "Even under these circumstances."

Ronan smiled. "And you, too." He said, looking at both my parents.

I frowned. "I think my boss is pissed at me." I said. "We're probably gonna have to go and see him."

Mum nodded. "Okay, dear." She said.

"We'll head back home." Dad said. "I think we need a shower."

"Sure." I chuckled, taking all our mugs to the kitchen for Stella.

Then, Ronan and I got ready to leave.

"Millie, wait!" I heard mum say. "Please be careful."

I waved a hand. "I'm always careful." I said, before Ronan took me back to base.


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