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Ronan appeared next to me just as I was walking up Stella's driveway.

I frowned. "Weren't you supposed to be talking to Luke?"

"Yeah, he has after school club." He said. "Rugby, I think."

"Oh." I said. "You will go and fix things with him, won't you?"

"Yeah, of course." Ronan waved a dismissive hand, before we got to Stella's front door.

I knocked, and a few moments later, she answered. Her face lit up when she saw me, and she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around me tight.

"Millie!" She exclaimed. "It's so good to see you!"

I laughed. "It's good to see you, too!" I said.

She pulled away, and then smiled at Ronan, before hugging him too. "Hey Ronan." She said, and then stepped aside. "Come on in, both of you. I will make us some tea."

We all walked in and went to take a seat in the living room, whilst Stella went to the kitchen to make tea.

"Nobody else home?" I asked when she came back with a tray of steaming mugs. She then placed it onto the table, and sat down.

"No- the kids are still at school, and Phil is at work." She said. "Anyway, it's been so long! You have a lot to catch me up on!"

I smiled, because it was all too true. "Yes." I said. "I don't even know where to begin- did Ronan tell you much?" I looked at Ronan, but he shook his head.

"No, he said you'd want to tell me yourself." Stella said.

"I only told her that you were alive and well." Ronan said.

"Oh." I said. "Well, I told you that we had two of the stones, right?" I began, not remembering exactly what Stella had known before. Of course, I remembered telling her about the Spirit Warriors, Fujio and Adam. At the time, I'd just broken things off with Adam, but Adam was supposedly still on my side and I had no idea that he would double cross me.

And so I continued to catch Stella up on the events of last year- I started from when I got knocked out by the dude outside the university, and then waking up at Adam's restaurant. I then proceeded to tell her about the fact that Fujio already had the box, and that he was just waiting for the right time to open it.

Then came the part when Adam handed the stones over to Fujio. It still pained me a little to think about how Adam betrayed me like he did. A small part of me was annoyed that I wasn't able to shout at him more. Did that make me a terrible person? Then again, he had been the one to stop Fujio once and for all. I'd weakened the guy, but there came a point when I didn't know how much damage I could actually inflict on him. If Adam wasn't there, then who knows what might have happened? It certainly wouldn't have ended how it did.

Ronan took over for the next bit, when I'd been unconscious and didn't remember any of it- the last thing I remembered before that was when Adam's spirit had been taken by Fujio, and I realised that things were about to get ten times worse.

Stella's eyes widened when I told her that I'd fused with the water, although she didn't say anything- she just listened. They widened even more when I explained how I managed to weaken Fujio, by fusing with both the fire and lightning to create a wicked tornado kind of thing. Again, she didn't say anything. But my tornado didn't stop him. It did release all the spirits that he'd stolen, but really all I'd done was piss him off. Luckily, Adam caught him off guard and stole Fujio's spirit, stopping him for good.

"So, yeah." I said. "By that point, Fujio was out of the equation. I don't actually know what Akio did with him, but before Adam returned his spirit, we had to get rid of the chalice."

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