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We got back to Anika's house, and she set about making a cup of tea for us whilst the girls and I waited in the living room.

There was a bit of awkward silence- I wasn't the best when it came to talking to kids, and these kids were pretty shy. However, Dina finally plucked up the courage to ask what was playing on her mind.

"So, do you have powers like mummy?" She asked.

I smiled. "Umm, I don't think they're quite like your mum's." I said, although I wasn't sure. I didn't know what Anika was, or what powers she had- aside from what appeared to be super strength.

"Here we are." Anika said, coming in with a tray of drinks. She had tea for us, and juice for the girls.

"Ah, thanks." I said, taking the hot mug. For a moment, we all sat in silence, taking a sip of our drinks.

"So." Anika began. "Where do we start?"

"Well..." I began. "You were gonna tell me what you are."

She smiled, and nodded. "Right." She said. "Well, I'm a werewolf."

Oh, I thought. So that would explain the super strength, and the increased speed- I knew she couldn't be a vampire, or she'd have moved without me even seeing. She was fast, but not as fast as Tina.

"Judging by your face, I'm assuming you've heard of us before." Anika chuckled.

I laughed. "Yeah." I said, remembering my first mission in the field. I knew that the experience had given me a bad first impression of werewolves, but also knew that they weren't all like that. "I've met a few."

"So, what about you?" She asked. "You're not a werewolf, that's for sure."

"I'm an Argent Eye." I said.

Anika's eyebrows went up. "Oh, wow- I've never met one of those." She chuckled. "Did you hear that, girls? She has elemental powers."

Dina and Kara seemed to gasp then, their faces lighting up.

"Aw, please show us!" Kara said- I'm sure it was the first time she'd actually spoken to me. She came right up to me, excited, as did Dina.

I laughed again, and put my tea down, trying to think of what I could show them. So, I rubbed my hands together, calling the ice as I did. I felt it spread over the palms of my hands, before it turned into a powdery kind of snow. I then stopped rubbing them together, and blew the dusty ice particles from my hand so they puffed up into a cloud of cold mist.

Both girls giggled as the cold dust landed on their faces.

Anika smiled, but she clearly had questions. "Okay, hang on a second." She said. "Your element is ice... so what did you do back there with the car? I thought maybe your element was metal or something."

I grinned. "Yeah, it is." I said. "Plus the other six."

I decided not to mention the darkness, especially with the two kids around. I didn't want them to be afraid of me.

"So have I been getting Argents wrong this whole time?" She asked.

I shook my head. "No, probably not." I said. "We usually only have one element. I'm an exception."

"Oh." She said. "So you can control all seven elements?"

I nodded.

"Jheez, that's impressive." She said.

"Show us!" Dina exclaimed this time.

I laughed. These girls were so hyper compared to when I'd seen them in the village. I assumed that this was their normal behaviour, but they'd been too shy to show it before. Everyone seemed to be over the whole near-miss car accident, too, which was a relief.

Argent Eye IVOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant