Chapter 11

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Lilith POV

It's my fault. It's all my fault. I just had to freaking yell at her. Am I that afraid of commitment? Or is it that I'm afraid to be hurt? I have no clue. Everyone I've ever loved ended up leaving and hurting me. But did I have to yell at her? If I just explained it to her, would that have helped? I just... I regret it. Now she is in the hospitol and it's all my fault. If I didn't yell at her or just took a chance... she would've been at soccer pratice and wouldn't have been in the truck at that time.

I love her, I really do. I just didn't want one of us to get hurt. I...I just...I love her so much I just didn't want her to get hurt. I love her so freaking much. Ever since I met her, she has treated me with so much kindness and warmth...gosh I with I just smiled and said yes. Why didn't I just smile and say yes? Then none of this would've happend.

I look over at the clock. It's Saterday. She has been in the hospitol for two days now, still in a coma according to Micah, aka the person that tells me whats going on, my inside man. It's 12 P.M right now. If I just said yes, we would be getting ready, Misha doing my hair, Carla probaly doing Kaila's and Kaila doing Carla's. Then we would put on our dresses then walk into the gym togather at 6, dance the night away till 11, probaly stay up all night, watching Supernatural. Then we'd finally say goodnight, she'd kiss me, our first kiss. I'd blush, say good night then go to my room.

I curl up on my bed, tears rolling down my eyes. I let out a sob.


(Authors Note) This next part will be in Kaila's POV while she is in a coma, just so you shalln't be confuzzled, :)

Kaila POV

I blink at the bright light. Where the heck did that come from? Someone comes down and stands up in front of me. The light fades out and I can see the person clearly.

"Hey, sweetie." She says. It's my grandmother, as kind and caring as I remember her. She was the first person I came out to and the only one in my family that supported me. It was when she died that I went into deppression. Only good thing that came from her death was the inheritence that helped me get back on my feet.

Tears well into my eyes.

"Gammy." I smile and rush to give her a hug. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too baby. But you need to go." She says. "Your not suppossed to be here just yet."

"I don't want to go." I whispered. "Why can't I stay here, even if it's just for a little while?"

"Because if you stay, they will pull the plug and you will be gone forever." She explains, "And you still have so, so, much more to do."

"But..." I start.

"But nothing, sweetie." She says."You trust me, right?"

"More than anyone." I reply. "But can I please, please stay for a little while longer? I really do not want to go back."

"Because of what Lilith said?" She asks. I nod, tears in my eyes. "Honey, she only said that because she didn't want you or her to get hurt." I look up, "Yeah, sweetie, she loves you, she loves you so much that she didn't want to hurt you. Baby, if you won't go back for me, please go back for her."

I nod, "How exactly do I go back?"

"That's where you have to go on your own." she answers. "I don't know the answer. I do know, that you will figure it out."

"Please help me." I plead. "I need to let her know I still love her. And that I always will, no matter how many times she says no. And that I will be ready whenever she is ready."

"I'm sorry, but I need to go. Gotta go beat Martha Washington again at UNO," She smiles.

"Tell Pop-Pop I said hi. Also tell Alexander Hamilton that he is now a legand and has a cult following now." I smile back. "I'll miss you. I still miss you, and I always will."

"I'll see you again when you time comes, honey. Also tell your mother that I said that she is a total disappointment as a daughter and that you and your brother, Marco, are the only good thing that came out of having her. And tell Carla I said hi." She says.

"I love you Gammy." I smile.

"I love you to pumpkin." She says. She fades away, a smile still on her face.

Now how to wake up. I slap myself.

Nope. I punch myself.

Nope, still here. A note appears infront of me.

In order to wake thy self, thou must find out what it is thou needs/wants to go back to and rather it is worth not dying for.

I need to get back to Lilith, Carla, Matt, and Marco. I need to tell them I miss them. I need to tell Marco that I'm sorry I left him alone. I need to get back to the team. They need me and I need them. I want to get married, adopt kids, live a life. The world or land or whatever this place is (Limbo?) starts to fade out. It's working...

I need to apologize to Lilith, I didn't stay, tell her I wouldn't let anything hurt us. I need to apologize to Carla, for not telling her about my crush on Lilith. Sweet Lilith. I need to get Matt and Micah togather, those two won't tell each other something so obvious...

The world fades to black. I hear a beeping. An obnoxious, rythmatic beeping. I open my eyes and hear a gasp from someone.

Carla POV

She's awake. She is finnaly awake! After two long weeks she is awake! I gasp when I see her eyes fluttering. I press the call a nurse button and a nurse rushes in.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Shes awake." I say in disbelief. "My best friend is finnaly awake."

~_~_~_~Final Authors Note of This Chapter~_~_~_~

I know the time skips and POV changes are strange but...oh effing well. ALSO two chapters in two days, I so proud of mah self ^~^

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