Chapter 18

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Kaila POV

I walk into the apartment and set a bag full of leftover food from the diner onto the counter in the kitchen.

"Carla, have you and Lilith eaten diner yet?" I shout.

"No, why?" she shouts back.

"I brung home leftovers from the diner. Where's Lilith, she's normally home by now?" I ask.

"I don't know, want to call Micah?" Carla asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah..." I mutter pulling out my phone and dial Micah's number.


"Is Lilith staying at your place tonight?" I ask.

"She's not home?" Micah replies. "She left 30 minutes ago."

"If she was here would I be calling asking if she's there?" I snap.

"I guess not, but if she isn't there, you need to call the cops."

"We don't know for sure, maybe she stopped somewhere to get something." I mutter.

"Okay, but call me if anything happens, okay?" Micah says and hangs up.

Carla gives me a look.

"She isn't at Micah's place. He says she left to come home 30 minutes ago. Well, now 35, but still." I reply.

"Should we call the cops?" She asks.

"Maybe she took a detour." I suggest. "Lets wait a little while, maybe 30 more minutes, if she isn't here by then, we'll call the cops."

"Or, we call her."


I call her number, but she doesn't answer. I try again.

No answer.

Carla tries.

No answer.

Carla tries again.

No answer.

"Okay, something is wrong." I say. "We need to call the cops."

"You call them, they know me and won't take me seriously."

"They know me also, but I'll call."

I dial 911.

"911, what your emergency."

"I think my friend is missing."

"How long have they been gone?"

I check the clock, "45 minutes, maybe 40. But she isn't answering her calls and is normally home by now."

"What's her name?"

"Lilith Duot."

"What does she look like?"

"She has beautful, long wavy black hair, piercing emerald green eyes, pale skin with a slight tan, a look of perfection."

"And how old is she?"

"She is 17 years old."

"Okay, final question, where does she live?"

"You know where Carla and I live, right?"


"She lives with us."

"Of course she does, were sending a patrol car now for more questioning. They'll be there-

"In 15 minutes, I know."

"Of course, see ya Kaila."

"See ya Bertha."

I hang up and sit on the couch.

"She's been gone for 50 minues now. Where is she?" I whisper.

Carla says nothing and just sits next to me. She's great like that. She knows that you don't always need to and sometimes just need to be there.

"I texted Micah and Matt, they'll be here soon, Matt most likely though unless Micah can get out." Carla says.

"Not texting Marcy?"

"I don't want her involved until we know for sure that this is serious."

"This is serious, LILITH IS MISSING!" I some-what yell.

"I know she is, but lets wait until tomarrow to tell her, okay? She is taking care of Marcus, remember?"

I sigh, "I hate it when you're right."

"I know you do..."

"If someone did kidnap her, or hurt her, Ima kill them."

"Only if you let me beat the hell out of them first.


Lilith POV

"MY FRIENDS KNOW I'M MISSING!" I shout to God knows who. I'm sitting in the floor of a pit, I have no idea how I got here. One minutes I'm nearly home, next I'm sitting in a pit having no idea how I got here.

"THEY'LL CALL THE COPS! AND CARLA, OH SHE'LL BEAT YOUR ASS! AND KAILA? SHE'LL KILL YOU!" I shout. I don't know if any of this is true. I just want to make them scared I guess. Or I want to believe it myself. I sit there, staring in the void. I'm hungry, I'm cold, and I'm missing Kaila. God, she's been through to much already, why did this have to happen? Why me? I was finally happy! I was loved, I was happy, I had found home. And now I've been kidnapped.

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