Chapter 13

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Kaila POV

Lilith leaves before Carla gets back. I didn't want her to leave, but I knew that if she was here when Carla got back, Carla would probaly be arrested again. She may have not been arrested in two years, but she is still in contact with her gang and is not afraid to go back.

My final check up went well. All my vitals are good and it seems like my bones are healing at a normal rate and in a safe place. I would be able to go back to school next week and work in a month or two. I can find someother way to make some money to help pay for the bills.

"You ready to finally go home?" Carla asks as she pushes me to Marcy's car.

"Yes I am," I get settled into the back seat of Marcy's car. Andrew has broken his legs legs a few times, so Marcy knew how to put the wheelchair into the trunk.

"Thank you, Marcy. For everything." I say when she climbs into the drivers seat.

"No problem, dear." She smiles. "It's my pleasure. You ready to be home?"

"Yes." I smiled. "Yes I really am."

After about 30 minutes, she pulls the car into the parking lot and helps me into the wheelchair. I hate being helpless (A/N I'm down for the count and I'm drownin' in em. XD) and not able to do anything by myself. Carla is even staying home from school so she can help me, ugh.

Carla wheels me in, Marcy walking with us. Carl the Doorman/Receptionist greets us when we walk in.

"Hey Carla and Kaila. Welcome back from the hospitol." Carl greets.

"Hey, Carl." I smile.

Carla wheels me to the elevator and presses the seventh button and we went on to our apartment. Marcy saw that we're going to be okay and went on home to her husband, Andrew, saying that he wasn't feeling to good and needed her to take care of him.

"Lilith is going to be here," Carla got starts.

"Really?" I ask excited.

"You want to see her?" She askes confused.

"Yeah." I rubbed my neck cast. "I still really, really like her."

"Oh, okay. Guess I yelled at her for nothing then." She laughs. "I still don't like her, but I'll leave her alone."

"Thanks, Carla." I smile.

"No problem." She says.

"Hey, how about we go to Marcus's game tomarrow?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Seems fun." She says. "Been two years since I since I saw the lil bugger. And it looks like he took your love of sports."

"I miss him." I said with sad smile.

"I miss him too, Kaila." She replies.

Lilith POV

"GUYS, PLACES, CARL JUST TOLD US THAT THEY'RE COMING UP" Matt shouted and everyone scrambled to hide. Carl won't be joining, his job is keeping him from doing so, but I told him I'll bring him some food down. I hid behind a wall and waited for Carla and Kaila to open the door.

"SURPRISE!!!" we shout when they walk in. "WELCOME HOME!!"

The look on Kaila's face is amazing. She looks so happy and surprised. It is amazing, I'm glad that she's happy, it's the happiest I saw her since that day...

I just want to some-what forget that damn day.

I look down at Kaila, smiling and laughing in her wheel chair, and I know things are going to be okay with us. I smile. Yeah, I think that things are going to be okay.


Okay, I know this chapter is a whole lot shorter, way shorter than I intended, but I havent updated in a while, and yeah.

I fucked up a while ago, erased the entire chapter. Then I couldn't find my computer charger and, yeah. So, sorry about that. I'll try to update the next, longer, chapter soon.

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