10. Unexpected

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Apo's POV

It is Sunday morning. I look at my digital clock and its 6:00 o'clock already. Realising that i cannot continue with my sleep although i feel sleepy, i decide to run around my neighbourhood. Before that i need to change my outfit first. Well running in only boxer is not appropriate right..

I rise from my bed and walk to the closet grabbing my grey track suit and white sport shoes from adidas.

After finish wearing my outfits, i take my phone from the table and wear my earpods, then walk out toward the gate. I play billie ellish song before i start doing warming up. I look around, and no one is up. Perk of a morning person.

Opening my gate slowly, because i don't want to make a noise and disturb my neighbours. Then i start running.
Looking at my watch, i realise i have been running around for 30 minutes. I stop to take a rest near the park and it also empty. I take a seat on the wooden chair and remove my earpods.

I take my time to enjoy the morning breeze and birds chirping. It feels wonderful...

Enough with the leisure time, it is time to go home. On my way home, i just realise there is a big house around this neighbour - 3 storey house to be exact. Well, my house also big but this one is freaking huge.

Well of course i do not know as i rarely drive in this area. The owner must be freaking rich.

I am so fascinated with the beauty of the house that i did not listen the gate is opened. A green Audi drive out from the gate.

I stand next to the gate and the car stop. The window rolls down. I see the driver wearing black glasses. He pull off the glass and there i see Mile in the car.

He is the owner of this house. I am suprise but no suprise..

"Apo what are you doing here?"

"Hey good morning" Here i am trying to be respectful by greeting Mile first but the truth is i am nervous. After my little confession to Build, i need to make sure my feeling is real. "I on my way to home after morning run"

"Owh hey good morning too. Hey wanna join me breakfast? I wanna go to nearby restaurant to eat breakfast"

"Now? But i'm sweating". I dont want to eat in this state - sweating and i have not shower yet..

"Well, i can send you home first. Then we can go after you freshen up."

"Okey". I enter Mile's car and buckle up. Billie Elliesh 'Lovely' is played in the car.

Wow we have similar song taste.

"Until where do you go for the run?" Mile asked. I look to Mile side. He looks so cool wearing green black tracksuit. He even drives with one hand.. and the other hand he put on the gear. I wish i can hold his hand..



"Hmm Sorry.. What did you say" I must have daydreaming just now..

"Where did you go for the morning walk?"

"Well, i run around the neighbour until the park"

Mile nodded.

"Hey, you do not mention that you stay around here?", Well he sent me home before. He should have mention it to me then. Or he should'nt..

"Well, you never ask". I snort.

We have reached my house. I invite Mile to my house.

"I will have a quick shower. Please make yourself at home".

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