20. One Step Closer

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Hello old and new readers. Thank you for still following up this story. Eventho i update slowly. Here are short update for you guys. I am sorry and hope you guys like it.

Finally KinnPorsche The Series has been aired. So how was it? Do you like it?

So here we go....

Mile's POV

I was on my way to Porsche Company for another meeting - regarding the photoshoot.

I was welcomed by Apo in the office with two of his colleagues. The moment i step on the office, Apo immediately showed me the result of photoshoot.

Somehow i felt disappointed. I wish he asked me about my whereabout. Because it had been 4 days since we last met up.

Throughout the meeting, i felt intimidated by Apo professionalism. We only talked about work and work and work.

Somehow i felt like this is not Apo that i knew. It might be because, he currently acting as the CEO.

After several hours later, the meeting ended. Apo dismissed his two colleagues.

"How are you, P'Mile?"

huh.. Now he become Apo that i knew..

"I am fine.." I responded and smile to him.

"Wanna join me eating at the restaurant? I mean my company's cafeteria?"

"Yeah sure.. I am free today.."

Of course i am free. When i already informed my assistant Big to handle all meeting today.

Restaurant In The Company

We sat near the balcony. Apo remove his suit, because he felt the weather was a bit hot. He even unbottoned few buttons of his shirt.

While he did that, i saw a glimpse of necklace on his neck.

Was that the necklace that Build told me so?

My curiousity made me bold and asked him

"Nice necklace you have there... Where do you get that?"

"This one?" Apo held the pendant. "It belongs to someone that i only met once but owe my life to"..

I still could not see the pendant very well. Build said that the necklace belong to Apo's savior. But as far i remembered, i did not wear any accessories on that day.

"You look so curious with it. Wanna see it closer?"

"Yeah sure."

Apo removed the necklace and placed it on my hand.

Now that i saw it clearly, pieces of memories came to my mind.

This necklace..

No wonder i did not remember for it.

It was given by my ex.

Someone that i did not want to remember.

But i should thank my ex tho, because of this necklace, Apo could remember about me, his life savior.

Although he could not remember my face but still...

I returned the necklace back to Apo.


Then we ordered our foods. We finished eating after hour later. But before we left, i asked him..

"By the way, are you free on Sunday?"

"You mean as in this week sunday or next week sunday?"

"Well probably this week?"

" Well for this week, i am free"

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