11. Annoying

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Sorry for the late update! I have been so busy 😭

Thank you so much for your time.. for reading this boring story of mine😂.

Apo's POV

At Restaurant

Me, Mile and Build are having breakfast at the restaurant. Well Build wants to tag along and i can not just left him alone at my home. Because he said he has important things to talk to me.

We are just finish taking order. Apparently Build and Me sitting side by side while Mile sitting infront of me. And none of us starting a conversation. I look at Build and he is staring outside the window. What is wrong with this P.

It is pretty rare to see silent Build. Build is known as talkative or walking microphone. But not today. Is he mad at me for giving too much work?

"P Build are you okey?", I said tapping Build left arm lightly to get his attention.

"Yeah, i am okey". He moves his gaze from the window.

"So, what do you want to talk about" I realise that Build is staring at Mile. What the heck!

"Build, are you listening to me?"
For a second i think, I should just left Build at home.

"Owh, regarding that. You got invited to CEO Annual Gala Night next week. Where all CEO are gathering And i need to know if you can attend it coz i cannot" Shoot! Did Build said that infront of Mile. I glare at Build. And he realises his mistake and spontaneously covers his mouth. Useless action by the way. I am sure Mile already heard it.

I look at Mile and he is busy with his phone. Hopefully he does not hear whatever Build is saying.

"I mean i got invited to CEO Gala Night. As a CEO i want you to replace me that night because i have plan on that day" Build say.

Mile heads up from his phone and look at Build. "Omg! You are the CEO of Porsche Enterprise?" Mile asks with shock. I look at Build and signal him to nod.

"Yeah... I... I am.. I am the CEO. Hehehe" Build says while rubbing his neck. Knowing Build for more than 10 years, if he is rubbing his neck while talking, it means he is laying. Sorry P Build.

"I can not attend the annual gathering because it is on my birthday" Build make a pleading face as he looks at me. I know where this will go
"So..... i want Apo to come instead of me na...." That it. I shook my face.

"Nooooo...Why me P' Build? You know i do not like to attend that kind of events"

"Pleaseeeee.... I promised my parents that i will be home for my birthday celebration" Build says with pouty lips.

Hmmm. Maybe i should let Build off during his birthday. He done so much for me already, and i think he deserved some breaks.

"Okey... Okey... I'm coming"

"Really?" Build shouts. Then he moves closer and hugs me. " Thank you Apo" Build says and kiss my cheeks. I just smile seeing this cute side of Build. Which he rarely shows infront of people others that his closest friends. " I will make up to you".

"It is okey. You have been working so hard this year Sajangnim~" I say in teasing tone. "You deserve some break. Maybe you can have a week off from office. I can handle all the works".

This is what i can give to P' Build. Since we have done with the photoshoot. And now focus on fashion show. But that will be handle by Kinn Enterprise. So i have a bit of free time.

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