Route 1

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Ember and Nova, Rotom floating next to them, were walking through the forest which led to a path to Viridian city. She hoped to catch some Pokémon before she got to Viridian. She was brought out of her thoughts when a Pidgeotto stood in her path.

"A Pidgeotto?" Ember asked.

Rotom scanned the Pokémon, "Pidgeotto, the Bird Pokémon. An evolved form of the Pidgey. It is armed with sharp claws and dives from the sky to capture its prey. Unlike the more gentle Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous. Approach with extreme caution. Note: This Pidgeotto is larger than the normal Pidgeotto."

"Pidgeot? (Ashley?)" Pidgeotto asked.

Ember's breath hitched at that moment. She knew this Pidgeotto. It was her Pidgeotto from her previous life.

Ember's eyes softened, "Yes, it's me." She replied.

She ran over to Pidgeotto and knelt down in front of her. Pidgeotto pulled her into a hug.

"It's so good to see you again, Pidgeotto." Ember smiled.

"Pidgeot. (You too, Ashley.)" Pidgeotto agreed.

"Ember." Ember corrected.

"Pidge?" Pidgeotto blinked in confusion.

"Ember Kukui. That's the name I was given in this world." Ember explained.

"Pidgeotto. (It's a beautiful name.)" Pidgeotto complimented.

Ember smiled, "Thank you, Pidgeotto."

"Sylv, sylveon? (Ember, do you know this Pidgeotto?)" Nova asked.

"Yes, this is my Pidgeotto from my previous life." Ember answered.

Ember had explained to her Pokémon on what had happened to her before she was reborn into this world. She had to explain after she reunited with most of her Pokémon during her trips with her parents. It was a big relief that her new Pokémon believed her story.

"Pidgeotto, this is Nova, she's a Sylveon. Nova, this is Pidgeotto." Ember introduced the two.

Pidgeotto held out her wing and Nova extended one of her feelers, forming a handshake.

"Hey Pidgeotto, would you like to travel with me once more?" Ember offered.

Pidgeotto nodded with a smile, "Pidgeot! (Of course I would!)"

"Are you sure?" Ember asked.

Pidgeotto nodded, confirming for her choice.

Ember smiled and took out a Pokéball, "Then I'll name you 'Gail'."

'Gail' pressed her beak against the button and was sucked inside. The Pokéball instantly clicked which meant a successful capture.

"Another new friend, huh Nova?" Ember asked her starter.

"Sylveon!" Nova agreed.


A few minutes later, Ember had her fishing rod out with Nova, Tesla, Romulus, Melody, Gail, and Sirius sitting beside her at a river not too far from the path. So far, nothing was biting. But Ember had faith that something will. However, they were enjoying the peace as she fished. Suddenly her rod caught something. She pulled on her rod and out came a Vaporeon, which was a shock to the four of them.

"A Vaporeon, huh?" Ember pondered.

Rotom scanned the Pokémon.

Rotom scanned the Pokémon

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[1] Professor Kukui's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now