Indigo League: Final Rounds

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After finishing off the Preliminary rounds, Ember, Prof. Oak, Prof. Sycamore her parents, her friends and family were having dinner at a restaurant.

"I have to say Ember, you did great during the preliminary rounds." Prof. Kukui complimented.

"You were awesome, Ember." Mairin smiled.

"Especially when you went against Jeanette." Alain added.

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to my Pokémon. I wouldn't have gotten this far without them." Ember stated.

"You and your Pokémon have come a very long way Ember," Prof. Oak said. 

"Not only have you and your Pokémon become strong, but your bonds have too." Prof. Sycamore added.

Burnet smiled, "Your father and I are very proud of you, my dear."

"Too bad that Gary didn't make it passed the preliminary rounds." Cilan said.

"Yes," Prof. Oak sighed, "But the thing is with Gary is that he's a good trainer, but he got overconfident, and that's why he lost in the fourth preliminary battle."

"So Ember my dear, Melemele Island is now giving cheers to you only." Prof. Kukui added.

Ember smiled; she felt prouder than ever. She was glad to have such a great family and friends with her.


After dinner, Ember and the gang met up with a trainer named Ritchie who had a Pikachu, nicknamed Sparky. They became great friends as they happily chatted with him. But Ember knew that she would be going against him tomorrow. Whether they win or not, Ritchie would still be her friend. Just like in her previous life.


It was the next day, Ember and Ritchie were at the reception desk so that they could find out who their opponent is for the next round. They did a random draw, by fishing for a random Magikarp with a number on it. If someone else draws the same number, then that person becomes your next opponent. Ritchie did the everyone's surprise the next person Ember would be going up against was...Ritchie.

Ritchie and Ember give each other slightly surprised yet determined looks.

"Well Ember, as we're friends, let's promise to make this our best battle that we've ever had." Ritchie held his hand out.

"Deal," Ember took his hand and shook it, "See you on the battlefield, Ritchie."


"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now down to the quarterfinals for this year's league! Let's introduce the two who will be facing against each other! In the green corner is Ember Kukui of Melemele Island!"

The crowd cheered loudly for her.

"And in the red corner is Ritchie of Frodomar City!"

The crowd cheered once more.

"Just because we're friends Ritchie, doesn't mean that I'm going to go easy on you!" Ember declared.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Ritchie grinned.

"Come on out, Happy!" Ritchie sent out his Butterfree, nicknamed Happy, to battle.

"Ignado, you're on!" Ember sent out her Alolan Marowak to battle.

"Butterfree versus Marowak battle...begin!"

"Happy, use Sleep Powder!" Happy flapped his wings and blue powder came out and headed towards Ignado.

[1] Professor Kukui's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now