The Water Flowers of the Cerulean Gym

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A/N: I decided to rename Beautifly and Clefable. So Beautifly's new name is 'Aoife' and Clefable's new name is 'Tana'.  Decidueye's name is 'Soren'.


The gang soon arrived at Cerulean City. Ember hoped that Misty wasn't at the Cerulean Gym. In the other world, Misty was the gym leader. However, this world was different. Brock's brother being the gym leader instead of Brock was certainly an example. So maybe one of Misty's sisters might be the gym leader.


Finding the Cerulean gym wasn't that hard especially with a giant Dewgong that adorned the building, you'd have to be blind not to miss it. Ember and Nova looked at each other opening the door to walk in and noticed that there was no one around.

"Where is everyone?" Mairin asked.

At that moment they heard clapping and cheers from outside of the lobby. They went through the doors to the outside and saw the source of the noise.

Three teenage girls were performing a Water Ballet Show in a giant swimming pool. Ember recognized the three sisters: Daisy, Violet, and Lily.


After the performance was over, the gang went backstage and found the three women who were talking by the pool, about their show.

"Daisy, your dive was perfect." Lily commented, the pink haired one.

"Practice does make perfect." Daisy replied, who was blond haired.

"I think that show was our best one yet." Violet said, the blue haired one.

"Um, excuse me." Ember called out, catching the three girls' attention.

"Wow, you're really beautiful." Daisy complimented, gazing at the young girl in front of her with her sisters.

"Um, thanks?" Ember sweat dropped.

"Oh, are you here for autographs? Sorry we're not taking any right now." Daisy said.

"Uh, no. I'm not here for an autograph," Ember stated, "I'm here for a gym battle." 

The three sisters glanced at each other.

"I'd be glad to battle you." Daisy said.

"Really?" Ember asked, surprised.

"Of course." Daisy replied.

In Ember's other world, the Sensational sisters didn't really do gym battles. It was quite a shock to see that one of them agreed to battle her. The strange thing was that Misty didn't appear now. Ember figured that Misty doesn't exist in this world.

"Even though Daisy's the gym leader, we all still like to perform our water ballet shows." Violet explained.

"But we were beaten three times in a row from these kids from Pallet Town." Lily added, "So all of our Pokémon are at the Pokémon center."

"Luckily I have two water Pokémon who won't mind doing a battle." Daisy added, "So I challenge you to a Pokémon battle!" She pointed at Ember.

"I accept." Ember smiled.

"So who's my challenger?" Daisy asked.

"Ember, Ember Kukui." Ember replied.

"Well then, let's get started then." Daisy smiled.


The battle was a pool with floating platforms on both sides. Ember and Nova stood on the red platform while Daisy stood on the blue. Alain, Mairin, Cilan, Zoey, Lily and Seel were sitting on the sidelines. Violet volunteered as referee.

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