The Bridge Bike Gang

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After leaving the Safari Zone, the gang are continuing on their journey. But at the moment, they were at the lodge in the Pokémon Center. They were at a bridge earlier, an officer had told them that it wasn't really ready yet, only the bike track was. Seeing no other option when they opted to get some bikes but were unsuccessful, so they decided to head to the Pokémon Center to think of something else. Ember decided to call her mom to see how she was doing.

"[Kukui Residence.]" Burnet greeted when she appeared on the screen.

"Hi mom." Ember greeted.

"[Ember! How are you, honey?]" Burnet asked, smiling.

"I'm fine, mom. How are you?" Ember asked.

"[I'm just fine.]" Burnet thanked.

"So how are all Pokémon doing?" Ember asked.

"[They're doing just great. Not to mention that they easily get along with anyone who comes to visit, too. There are times that they like to help around the house as well.]" Burnet replied, smiling.

"I'm glad. Well, I gotta go. My friends and I have to think of a way to get to the next town." Ember said.

"[Don't worry, I'm sure that you'll figure something out, my dear.]" Burnet assured her.

"Thanks, mom. Tell dad I said 'hi'. Goodbye." Ember waved.

"[I will. Goodbye.]" Burnet waved back before the screen went black.

Ember put the phone back and walked back over to her friends. She sat down next to Zoey who sat next to Mairin. Alain was leaning against the couch, where Cilan was sitting, with his arms folded across his chest.

"So what do we do? We can't pass through without the bikes." Zoey pointed out.

"We'll think of something," Cilan said positively, "We always do."

"I'm surprised you're positive during this kind of situation, Cilan." Alain commented.

"Excuse me, if you could spare some time, would you mind helping me out?" A female voice asked.

The gang looked over their shoulders and saw Nurse Joy. 

"Sure we can. Is something wrong?" Ember asked.

"I'm worried about the Pokémon in Sunny Town, just over the bridge, that's very sick." Nurse Joy said with a sad expression.

Then Nurse Joy walked over to the counter and showed the gang the medicine, "I need someone to deliver this medicine to the Pokémon Center in Sunny Town. Normally I'd go myself, but I'm too busy with sick Pokémon to leave the center right now."

"It's just over the bridge, right?" Ember asked.

Nurse Joy nodded, "That's right."

"But we don't have any bicycles." Zoey pointed out.

"No problem. I'll let you use some of our bicycles." Nurse Joy smiled.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy. We'll take this medicine and deliver it to the Pokémon Center in Sunny Town." Ember assured her as she took the medicine and placed it in her bag.

"The bikes are in the parking lot." Nurse Joy smiled, "And thank you."

"Bye!" The gang started to leave.


Ember, Alain, Zoey, and Cilan were all riding bikes along the bridge. Mairin rode on the back of Alain's bike. Nova was sitting in the basket of the bike. Zoey and Cilan were sharing a bike.

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