The Flame Pokémon-athon

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After obtaining the Soul Badge at Koga's gym, the gang arrived at a lot of fields that had fences built and Pokémon grazing around in them.

"Do you think that we're in the countryside?" Mairin asked.

"We maybe near a farm or ranch." Ember said.

Just then they felt the ground shaking.

"Is it an earthquake?" Mairin asked, nervously.

"No," Cilan pointed to a field, "It's those Pokémon over there."

A herd of bulls were stampeding around in a field.

Rotom scanned the Pokemon, "Tauros, the wild bull Pokémon. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature."

"I'd like to have a Tauros," Ember said. "I wonder where their owner is."

Just then a Growlithe came up from behind them.

"Hey, a Growlithe." Zoey said.

Rotom looked Growlithe up, "Growlithe, the puppy Pokémon. While loyal to its master, the Growlithe will drive away enemies by barking and biting."

"Hey Growlithe," Ember said as she petted the Puppy Pokémon who liked the attention, "Where's your master?"

"I'm right here." A feminine voice replied.

The voice belonged to a girl with blue hair that was in a ponytail wearing a bandana on her forehead light green shirt and blue shorts. She was riding a Pokémon with flames on it. Ember remembered that this girl is Lara Laramie.

"A Ponyta." Zoey awed at the Pokemon.

Rotom looked up the girl's horse, "Ponyta, the fire horse Pokémon. As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster. Its mane is made of intense flames."

"Excuse me, but can you tell us where we are please?" Ember asked, politely.

"You are at the Pokémon ranch. We preserve and raise wild Pokémon here." Lara answered.

"So those Tauros are yours then?" Zoey pointed at the herd of Tauros.

"That's correct," Lara replied, "I'm Lara Laramie and my family runs this ranch."

The gang introduced themselves to her.

Lara smiled, "Nice to meet you all."


Lara showed the group the fields of the ranch, which held different Pokémon. One field had Sandslash, another Nidorina, another Nidorino and other fields held different Pokémon.

"Breeders from the Laramie Ranch are superior to others. They raise the Pokémon in the wild and they're a little stronger than most of them." Alain explained.

Lara smiled as she got down off her Ponyta. "I'm glad that there are some folks who know about all our hard work that we do," She nodded, "We're very proud of how we raised our Pokémon." Then she had an idea, "Hey I know, we're having a big party here tonight. Why don't you all come as my guests?" She asked.

"A party!" Mairin smiled.

"Sounds like a great idea." Cilan agreed.

"Count me in." Zoey added.

"You can stay here tonight, that way you'll be able to see the big Pokémon Race tomorrow." Lara said.

Ember and Alain blinked, "Pokémon Race?"

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