Mystery of the Lighthouse

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Ember was finally reunited with her Squirtle who she named 'Triton'. She was relieved to find her Kanto Water Starter Pokémon. She was also glad that her friends took in the rest of the Squirtle Squad.

After walking on many paths through the forest, the gang arrived on a beach. They decided to lay down on the sand.

"What a beautiful sunset." Ember said.

"Sylveon." Nova agreed.

"I guess it's been a while since we've been at a beach." Zoey commented.

"Yeah. We should go to the beaches some of the time." Mairin suggested.

"Maybe we will." Cilan agreed.

"Depends on what road we take." Alain pointed out.

Ember smiled at that, "Yeah."

At that moment, Ember felt something poking her foot. She turned to the source and saw a Krabby.

"A Krabby?" Alain asked.

Rotom floated over to Krabby and scanned the Pokémon: "Krabby, the River Crab Pokémon. Living on sandy beaches in burrows it digs, Krabby can grow back its pincers if they break off in battle."

"Wow, I never saw a Krabby before." Cilan said.

"Me neither." Zoey added.

Krabby merely snapped its claws then looked at Ember as if asking for something. Not sure what the water type wanted she took out a Pokéball on instinct, "Do you want to be my Pokémon, Krabby?"

It responded by tapping the Pokéball with its claw and was sucked in, "Guess that answers my question." Then she sent the Pokéball to her father's lab.

Nova pointed at something in the distance, "Sylv! Sylveon! (Hey look over there! It's a lighthouse!)"

The gang turned to where Nova was pointing at.

"It's a lighthouse!" Zoey smiled.

"That's good maybe we can rest up there and I can make us some food." Cilan said.

Ember remembered that Lighthouse. It was Prof. Bill's Lighthouse.

"What are we waiting? Let's go!" Mairin cheered.

So the gang headed towards the Lighthouse.


By the time the group made it to the building it was already foggy and dark. Ember sighed in relief when they finally reached the doors.

"That was farther than it looked." Ember commented.

"This lighthouse looks weird." Mairin commented.

The group stared at the door, Ember was in awe at all the Pokémon carved on it, the first she noticed the carving of an Arcanine.

"Guess we better ring the bell." Zoey said.

"I got it." Ember replied when no one stepped up, pressing the red button on what looked like the intercom. The doorbell sounded off a chilling church like melody of gonging bells which spooked the group out.

"Who's there?" A voice over the intercom asked.

"Please excuse us," Ember said, "we're travelers and we're lost. So is it all right to rest here for the night?"

"And can I use your kitchen to make us something to eat?" Cilan asked.

"Certainly," The male answered, "but I would appreciate it if you made me something to eat too. My cook is on vacation and I'm not exactly a good cook."

[1] Professor Kukui's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now