Dig Those Diglett!

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On their way to the Fuchsia City gym, the gang had come across a town called Gringy City where there were no people around. The reason why was because the air and water were mostly polluted and the cause of that was because of the numerous factories all around the city. 

Unfortunately, Nova and Chespie had fallen ill when they reached Gringy City. They quickly ran towards a nearby Pokémon Center. After they arrived, they met with a tired Nurse Joy who scolded them for being out so late. Then suddenly the power went off. Nurse Joy began to panic when the power went out. The Pokémon in intensive care were in danger because the power was out. The gang volunteered to go find out the problem. 

Thanks to Officer Jenny, they went over to the Power Plant. When they got there, they came across a Magnemite. But soon after, they across a gang of Grimer and their leader, Muk. Luckily, Ember recognized that Muk. It was the one she had caught in her previous life. Being the meditator, Ember requested that the Grimer leave the Power Plant because they were blocking the power needed for the intensive care Pokémon at the Pokémon Center. The Grimer were sorry for the trouble and decided to leave the Power Plant. They apologized to the workers before leaving. However, Muk wanted to stay behind and asked Ember if it could come with her. Ember didn't mind at all. Magnemite also decided to come with her as well. So Ember got Muk, which she named 'Slime', and Magnemite, named 'Static', to join her on her journey. The gang soon continued on their way to Fuchsia City.


"It's over there." Ember said and they ran up the mountain and stopped at the edge of a small cliff when they saw trucks driving past them on a road, toward a construction site and saw a rock fell from the edge of a cliff. Holes appeared from the ground, making the trucks stop and some flipped over.

"What a wreck." Mairin said.

"This is terrible!" Cilan exclaimed before they ran down the cliff and ran toward the trucks.

A man walked out of one of the trucks and knelt down, hitting the ground, "I just can't take it anymore!"

"Are you all okay?" Ember asked.

"It's the Diglett! They are destroying everything!" The man shouted.

"The Diglett?" Alain asked.

The man pointed to the side in anger, "See? They're right over there!"

They looked to where he was pointing, and found a few Diglett in the ground, popping up and down in the holes. 

Rotom scanned Diglett, "Diglett, the Mole Pokémon. Diglett love to create underground tunnels. The movement of these Ground Pokémon can be easily detected by their tracks of upturned earth."

Diglett popped up from the ground with a closed eye smile.

"Aw, how cute." Mairin smiled at the mole Pokémon who smiled back.

Then she felt a presence behind her and glanced over nervously at the man.

"You think they cute, do you?" he yelled, and Mairin quickly moved away. "Thanks to them, we can't finish building that dam!" He glared toward the Diglett, "I hate Diglett! I hate Diglett! I hate them!"

"Wow, he really does hate them." Ember whispered to her friends.

"Sure does." Alain agreed.

"Although I don't see any upturned earth." Cilan pointed out as he looked at the road.

The man suddenly stepped closer to Cilan, which made him yelp and step back, "That's because the ground here is covered by concrete but if you would look closely."

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