Indigo League: Awards Ceremony

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"The Pokémon League now bids farewell to all the trainers and Pokémon who participated in this year's competition. Let's show all the participants just how much we appreciate their accomplishments as they enter the stadium one last time!" The male announcer announced.

All the trainers walked into the stadium with their Pokémon partners by their sides.

"League President Goodshow will now present each trainer with a special commemorative badge. Wear it with pride, trainers, as a symbol of excellence and achievement!" The announcer said as people were beginning to be called up. Ritchie went up next and received his badge from Mr. Goodshow, who handed it to him.

Ember stood on the highest platform in front of the other trainers with Nova on her shoulder, side platform stood; Melissa Yoshiki who was third place with Blastoise beside her and third place was Assunta Sayuri with Ivysaur beside her.

"And here now are the top ranking trainers of this Pokémon Indigo Plateau League Competition, please join us in saluting them along with their Pokémon, for their skills and dedication to the ideals of the Pokémon League!"

All the trainers and crowd all cheered and applauded to them.

Burnet had tears in her eyes, "I'm so proud..." she wiped away the tear with a handkerchief.

Prof. Kukui smiled as he wrapped his arm around Burnet and pulled her to his side. Prof. Oak, Alain, Mairin, Zoey and Cilan smiled and applauded.


Mr. Goodshow walked up to Ember with a golden trophy, with a large golden Pokéball with a diamond encrusted button on a thin layer finely crafted wooden plank and a silver plate with her name engraved on it, was attached to the front of the plank.

Mr. Goodshow handed Ember the trophy, "Congratulations. You and your Pokémon fought excellent throughout the Indigo Plateau." He smiled.

Ember smiled and took the trophy from the President of the Pokémon League, gratefully, "Thank you very much, Sir." She said.

"Sylveon. (Thank you.)" Nova smiled.

"You're welcome and you deserved it, my child." Mr. Goodshow smiled.

"Now as this Pokémon League draws to an end! Please direct your attention to our very special celebration in the sky!"

The stadium lights turned off, leaving everything dark and then the most amazing thing happened was the beautiful fireworks display, blasting into the sky.

Ember awed at the fireworks, "Wow..."

"Sylve... (Pretty...)" Nova said.


Before going home, Ember bid farewell to Ritchie and then took one last look at the stadium. She thought about the time she entered the stadium, seeing the Moltres flame and running with it, the battles she fought in, meeting her friend Ritchie again and earning the Pokémon League trophy. Now it was time for Ember and the gang to head back to Viridian City to rest.


Ember and Alain were sitting on the steps of the Viridian City Pokémon Center, staring up at the stars. 

"How does it feel to be the winner of the Indigo League?" Alain asked.

"Incredible. I never thought that I would be able to win it." Ember admitted.

"I knew you would." Alain stated.

Ember turned to Alain, "Really?" She asked.

"Of course," Alain confirmed, "The bonds with your Pokémon are proof. According to me, that is." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. 

Ember smiled softly, "Thanks, Alain."

Alain smiled back and looked up at the night sky, "Ember, there's something I got to tell you."

"What is it?" Ember asked.

Alain's cheeks were dusted pink as he lightly scratched his cheek, "Ever since we first met, I was intrigued by you." He admitted.

"Intrigued?" Ember questioned.

"You're able to connect with any Pokémon you come across. I've seen how hard you and your Pokémon train together. Not to mention that you're slightly scary when you get angry at a trainer who abuses a Pokémon." Alain answered.

Ember chuckled lightly at that.

"But're kind, Ember. Smart, brave, beautiful and strong." Alain added.

Ember blushed at that. She never expected that Alain would say those things about her. 

"What I'm trying to say is that...that I...I like you, Ember Kukui." Alain confessed, "For a while, actually."

Ember blushed even redder at Alain's confession. She almost had a hard time believing that Alain Sycamore liked her! The funny thing was that...Ember has feelings for Alain as well. For quite a while actually.

"I-I like you too, Alain Sycamore." Ember stuttered.

Alain snapped his head towards Ember at her confession with wide eyes. He didn't think that Ember had feelings towards him.

"You're an amazing trainer, Alain. I know how much you love your Pokémon as well. How you will defend them if someone offends them. Not to mention your battle skills which are incredible compared to mine. I also see how much Mairin and your dad means to you." Ember explained, "You're also smart, daring and handsome."

Alain's cheeks turned red at Ember's words.

Neither move nor spoke after those words were said. They didn't how to react to them. Alain scooted closer to Ember, leaned towards her and placed his lips against hers. Ember was surprised at first, but then she closed her eyes and kiss Alain back.


Unknown to the two of them, Ember's parents and her friends were watching the new formed couple.

Burnet took a picture of the two, "How cute." She quietly squealed.

Prof. Kukui softly chuckled, "I had a feeling that the two would end up together." He spoke.

"Sylveon!" Nova smiled.

"Chespin!" Chespie smiled as well.

"He got a good one." Prof. Sycamore smiled.

"Definitely." Mairin, Zoey and Cilan agreed.


With the kiss confirming Ember and Alain's new relationship, it concluded the end of Ember's Indigo League journey.

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