Lief turns into a witch. (Part 2)

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    Lief stumbled across town, feeling the pain in his chest again. He grabed the the wall and sighed. He then heard footsteps and he could feel the pressense of a familuar arura. He turned to look at the person and he saw the same blank red eyes and blank face. 
    "What do you want, transfer student?" Lief said, glaring. 
    Shadow looked at Lief. He stared at him with a blank expression. "You are not well. Your soul gem is tainted." He said, tossing a grief seed in Lief's direction. Lief looked at it and saw it land on the floor. Lief glared and he kicked it behind him. He glared at Shadow and hanged on to the wall. 
    "I don't need help from the likes of you." He said. 
    Lief then groaned in pain as he fell over. Shadow watched him and he walked up to Lief. Lief glared at him, but his eyes widen when he saw Shadow's soul gem on his glove. Shadow grabed Lief by the throat and lifted him up. "If you do not want to take care of yourself, then I will have to get rid of you myself." He said, as Lief was hanged over the side of the building. Lief watched the soul gem hand come close to his face and he could feel his own soul being take away from his body. 
     As soon as Lief only saw the color of the blood red soul gem, another arura behind Shadow. The twin blades were drawn and pressed against Shadow's neck. Lief feel to the floor, coughing and he looked up to see Viva, armed and holding Shadow against his will. 
     "Go!" She yelled. "Get out of here!!!" 
    Lief stared at her, but stood up and stumbled away. 
    Shadow looked at Viva with his normal face. "Let me go." He said in a cold tone. 
   Viva stared at him for a moment. She then smiled and looked at Shadow. "Oh, I see, you can't use your little technique if I'm holding onto you, can ya?" Viva said. 
   Shadow looked at Viva, he then pulled out a grenade and placed it next to her. Viva stared in surprise and jumped back. As the smoke cleared, Viva looked around and found Shadow gone. She looked in the direction Lief went and she ran off to find him. 
    Lief could feel the headache coming again. He held his head in pain and looked out the window. He then heard two people talking and he stared out the window.    
    "Yeahm and then they get all whiney when you leave them." Said the first one. 
   "But you got to get them when they just at the right mood, yo." the other one retorted. 
    Lief looked at them. He could feel the blood boiling. 
    "But those bitches don't know their places!" the first argued. 
   Lief grited his teeth in anger and he contuined to listen. He then stood up and went over to them. "Hey" he said, looking at them with a blank expression. The men looked at him. "Why do you do that?" He asked. 
    "You're like in middle school man, shouldn't you be in bed?" the first questioned. 
    "Does she know what you do?" Lief contuined. "What you call her when her back's turned?" 
   The other man looked at the other one. "Hey, you know this kid?" 
    "I guess you don't care." Lief said, glaring. He clenched his fists and glared. "She gives you everything and she says she loves you, but you just sit there and call her a bitch!!!"   
     The men stared at him in surprise. Lief grabed the first man by the throat and he lifted him up and glared. "Tell me something." He said. "Is this world worth protecting?" He glared when they didn't answer him. "Answer me!" Lief yelled, feeling his blood boiling. "Now!" 
    Lief heard them whimpering like lonely dogs. Lief growled and his tight on the man's throat. 

    Viva ran up them steps and saw Lief on the station seat. Viva ran over to him and she sighed. She looked at him and smiled. "Finally, I found you." She said, siting next to him. "So how much longer are you going to do this stubborn thing?" 
     Lief was looking at his hand and he listened to Viva eating a can of chips. 
    "I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble." Lief muttered. 
   "Seriously? Doesn't sound like you at all." Viva said, looking at him. 
   Lief smiled slightly. "Yeah, you're right," Lief said, "I guess I just don't care anymore. I can't remember what was so important, what was worth protecting you know? It's all the blank now, it doesn't make sense." 
    Viva looked at him, concerned. "hey, come on." She said. 
    Lief opened his hands to reveal his black soul gem. Viva stared in surprise and she gasped. 
   "Balance means good and bad have to zero themselves out, right? That's what you said, or something like it. I think I understand now." Lief said. "The good thing is, I did save a few people. But the bad thing is, I got angrer and my heart filled up with envy and hate. It got so bad, I even hurt my own sister!" 
    Viva stared at him in surprise. "lief, your soul gem!" She said. 
    "For all the happiness you wish for someone, someone else gets cursed with equal misery. That's how it works for us Magical people. And that's how it works for me." Lief said, sounding somber. 
     Viva grabed Lief and held him close. She tried to calm him. Lief began to cry. "I was stupid, so stupid!" Viva heard a crack and she felt a sudden rush of energy. Lief looked at his soul gem and watched it crack open and Viva felt her grip on Lief slip. She went flying into a pole and she yelled in pain. Lief watched as his soul gem turn into a grief seed. Lief stared in surprise as his tears ran down his face. 
     Lief felt his body floating on it's own and he felt a shiering pain as if his soul was being crushed in tight jaws. Lief yelled in pain and he could feel a watery barrier form around him. Viva grabed the handle and growled. She watched as Lief's body fell to the floor and she watched in terror as the grief seed formed a terrifying creature. Lief watched the creature tower over her. Lief felt his tears fall and he felt his body being dragged into a black void. 
     That's it, then. I am a witch.......Lief thought. 
    Lief felt the energy pick him up and he was flung into a wall. Lief cried in pain and he felt his last breath being sucked away. Viva watched in terror as she hung onto the bar railing. She could feel her tears run down her face. 
   And with a desprate and terrifying feeling, Lief heard the last word come from Viva's mouth. "LIEF!!!!" 

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