Transformations of the Magical People

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Diana: *hiding behind kyoya; looks up at him* Turn into Cheese? 
Kyoya: *smiles slighty; looks at the nightmare* Everyone ready? *lifts up his soul gem* 
Lief, Viva, Maria, and Shadow: *holds up the soul gems* Right! 
All: *holds their soul gems out and they all glow* 

Kyoya: *smiles as he grabs his soul gem above his head and spins as if he's ice skatting; figure turns black and then a green figure of him appear through it; breaks through the green figure and  pulls his hood on; smiles at the camera and makes his bow appear in front of him; green arrows appear in his bag and soul gem is on the button of his jacket in the shape of the leon figure; gets in his fighting position*

Viva: *smirks as she's got her soul gem in her teeth; dancing in place and throws her soul gem in the air; dancing in place for a wall and then spreads her arms out; firey figure of her rips apart the scene and glares; holds her soul gem in front of her and smirks at the camera; grabs her swords and twirls them in her fingers; soul gem is on the neck collar of the shirt and in the shape of a flame; stands in her fighting position and smirks*

Lief: *smiles and starts break dancing; gets on the floor and spins around; throws his soul gem at a blue figure of him; blue figure catches his soul gem and waits for him; gets down as if he's in a running race and starts running really face until he crashes into his blue form; smiles and makes a t mark in the air; soul gem is on his cloak and in a shape of a tear drop; grabs his sword and gets in his fighting position*

Shadow: *throws his soul gem in the air and sorta dances in place; pauses time in mid air and then appears out of his dark form and tries to reach for maria; ends up holding his guns in hand and skats around; soul gem appears on his left glove and in the shape of his logo; uses his chaos control and gets in his gun stance*

Maria: *Smiles and dances with her soul gem on her head; points to everyone and then does little poses; ends up pushing on glass to break it and looks through her hands and smiles; jumps in the air and grabs a scythe; soul gem is on shirt and in the shape of a heart; strikes her pose*

Maria: *Jumps to the roof*
Shadow: *follows* 
Lief: *smiles as he follows them* 
Viva: *shoves a pocky stick as she follows Lief* 
Kyoya: *lands on the roof* 
Everybody: Puella Magi Holy Quinto! *pulls out their weapons and gets ready for a fight* 

This is something stupid I though of........Kyoya-Beyblade; Lief=Deltora Quest; Shadow and Maria=Sega; Viva and Diana=Me
~Coraline Beackon

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