Viva's thoughts.

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I keep having a different life.....of a different time.....of a different world......What does it all mean? Where did they come from? Who are they?

A girl and a boy..........both rulers..........or Alron.......a name.......two names....that I can't point out....two the tip of my and sister...who were they?

Nothing ever seems right.....but what do I know....I'm just a tool...

No....I DID have a life before......I did....but what was it? What was it?

Four sisters........four songs.......all silenced.......

 You are nothing more then just a tool. Do not let others fool you.

I am just a tool............just a tool......I have no emotions.

 That is right. Now go forth and kill the royals of Alron.

Royals of Alron.........

I knew these two before.......what were there names?

 Does it matter now? Those two have always hated you. Why would it mater if they cared for your well being?

You knew I had a life why did you never speak of it before?

 Would you have believed me if I told you?

......I suppose not..........

 Then why should you believe in something so silly now?

  Don't I belong there in that life?

 With those wretched mobians!? HA!!! They would throw you out before you could say your mind.

How would you know, master?

 Because that's exactly what they did when I stumbled upon their land before! Cast out by my own brothers! I stumbled upon many lands. Many places. I am known by many names, and you know this to be true. I have repeated time and time again, seeking only the comfort of others. But what do they care for a lone necromancer? The land of Dragons never gave me a chance to prove myself and I was casted out from Dorne. Pirra was my only refuge, so I took the land at my own.

What about the island....that you stumbled upon when you casted away?

 That land was too beautiful for my taste. The sisters on that island were worthless, they sang their songs, and I ended it.

Is that what I am remembering? You doing all these things to people?


Alron is next.........Alron will fall......but my concern about this is will the Spirits stop us?

 The spirits have long been before alive, but they are nothing more then a myth!

  You said you met a spirit before......didn't you?

 Once, but she betrayed me like the others, thus it lead to her doom.

What was her name again?


I am only a tool.....I am only a tool.

  Who are you? Why do you both bother me so!?

"We wish not to harm you. Only to help"

  Why do you want to help me!? I am nothing more then just a tool, like my master has told me! I will destroy you!

"You are more then just a tool, Viva."

Viva? Who is that?

"Don't you remember? I'm your brother."

  Where am I!? WHERE'D YOU GO!? I MUST DESTROY YOU!!! this.......There is.....tears.....who is crying?

I am he said....

 Do not fret, child. you are never alone.

W-who are you?

 I am Saraphina, a Spirit of Alron of past events.

Why are you here!? What have you done to me!?

 We have simply gave you a life.

 Dear child, we have come to break you free from the Dark one's mind. The siblings of Alron wished to set you free, and gave up a great sacrifice in return. You can now return home.

I don't have a home! I don't have anything! You know nothing of me!

 Yes we do, child. I know very much of your past that you cannot remember. You lived on the island with three sisters, sang a melody that kept the beast calmed, then you were struck down by the very one dark force that had recreated you. Then you were set on Deltora, doomed to posion the land in eternal suffering, only to be struck down by your own brother. And yest her you are.....with your siblings very much caring about you now. Cora......

 Your sister sacrificed herself just to bring you back to life. You should be happy and grateful that we have not destroyed you ourselves...

You're not going to kill me?

 Child, we can never take away something so pressious from the lives of  this land. The siblings have bought your life back. Yes...but from now on, you shall be tested.


 Tested to prove your worth of life. You must prove your worth in giving yourself up for another life. worth............

And I did exactly that..........   

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