Epic Rap Battles Of Deltora

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                                   Queen Blister VS Malefor

This battle will be perfect it will surely be your fall. 
I've dream of certain victories like this since I was small. 
Think you can harm me clown? I'll make you my slave. 
I have a nice spot for you in the Deltoran caves. 
I have an entire army of dragons on my side. 
You just have magic and way too much pride. 
I'm the destroyer of love, you just dance on window panes. 
I'll take all of Deltora, hold the chocolate rain

Why, hello, Blister, I don't think we met before. 
Either way you'll soon learn not to challenge Malefor. 
You need an arm of dragons? I can do it alone. 
It took the little purple one to turn me into stone. 
You talk a big game but your skills are sure lacking.
All they need is gushy romance to send you packing!!!
I corrupted a baby dragon, wreaked chaos like no other. 
All you did was go to bed with Madoka's brother. 

What an absolutely riduculous sentiment. 
Dragon of chaos? Your a block of cement. 
You're a tourist attraction meant for field trip displays.
I may been defeated once, but I can fight another day!
I overpowered Madoka with one magical blast!
You mere mix-and-match reptile, you're the thing of the past. 
Your rhyming riddles wont work on me, never can
Now back to stone with you, back where you began!

You're too serious, my dear, what's the fun in making sense.
Do you have holes in your brain too? You seem a bit dense. 
When it comes to superpowers, you got stuck with the dregs. 
I can see through all your guises like I see through your legs. 
You call yourself a queen? Now to that I must object. 
You can't even find food for your "loyal subjects"
All you do is change shape, I can destoy all reality!
I'll take away your throne, leaving you bowing down to me. 


Author's Note: 
Now I bet you're all wondering why I did this. Well lets just say, that I wanted to see what happens when two villians do a rap battle. Now both Malefor and Blister are dragons, just so you know. And for some things you need to take note of. The part where Malefor says "Little Purple one" He was refuring to Spyro. "corrupted a baby dragon" Was Cynder. "Madoka's Brother" Was Lief.  Blister's army of Dragons was from the dragon series wings of fire. Malefor Belongs to Seirra I believe and Blister belongs to Wings of Fire. This was based off of the video next to this story. Next time, see what happens when two siblings rap battle against each other. Who will it be? 
~Coraline Beackon

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