Lief and Shadow's Conversation

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    Lief jumped off of the roofs of buildings and carried Shadow over his shoulder. He then jumped down and threw Shadow in the air, he then pulled his sword out and stabbed the lock that bound the tight chains around Shadow. Shadow stared as the lock broke and they both landed on their feet. Shadow still had blood on his face from shooting himself in the head. He then looked at Lief and stared. 
     "What on earth are you-?" Shadow began
     Lief sighed in annoyance and put his hands behind his head. "Honestly, what were you thinking, taking on Kyoya when he is at peak form?" Lief said. Shadow just stared. Lief sighed. "You're either really full of yourself or really dumb." 
     Shadow stared in surprise and then looked away, he stood up and looked at him. "I couldn't help the skirmish with Kyoya Tategami. It wasn't him I was after." Shadow said. 
     "It was Diana, wasn't it?" Lief said. 
     Shadow stared in surprise and looked at him. 
    Lief waved his finger at him without even turning around. "Targeting her just because she used to be a witch? I can't believe you jumped to that conclusion so fast." 
    Shadow looked at him. "You remember everything?" Shadow asked. 
    Lief looked at him from over his shoulder. "Because that's my role." He said, turning back around. "But, listen.....don't you think any of this is odd?" He said, kicking his foot. "A witch going to the trouble of making a labyrinth huge enough to hold a city and then just keeping us here without harming us or trying to lure in more victims? The Sweets witch you remember would never have acted so peculiarly, would it?" 
     Shadow stared.
     "If you'd just stopped to think about it you would've realized that." Lief said. "This labyrinth isn't a trap to lure in victims. What the witch controlling this labyrinth wants is to maintain the status quo in here. In other words, who benefits from the way things are right now?" Shadow stood up and grabbed his shield. "If you work backwards from that, it-" Lief heard gears and he smirked. He drew his sword and stabbed Shadow's shield before it could actually complete it's gear turning. He smirked at Shadow who was staring at Lief in complete surprise. 
      "Gonna run back into your own little time again?" Lief said. 
     Shadow stared as Lief smirked. 
     "That's a bad habbit of yours." Lief said. "You rely too much on that magic."
     Shadow stared. "So you're saying that the person who wised for this situation is one of us?" 
    Lief looked at him. "Is it really so surprising? Wasn't Kyoya just saying earlier that 'this is the happiest I've ever been in my life'? How about that? Do you think Kyoya is the witch?" Lief said. 
      Shadow winked in annoyance. "The witch is the final stage of the magical person. So yes, I suppose it's possible." 
      Lief smiled. "That's just the sort of answer you would give." He replied. "But then let me ask you one other thing? When you find the witch who created the labyrinth what will you do with it?" 
      Shadow stared. "Well that should be obvious." He said. 
     "You would vanquish it?" Lief said. 
      Shadow stared. 
     "Just because it's a witch?" Lief asked.
     "What are you trying to say?" Shadow asked.
    Lief smiled and pulled his sword away from the shield, he kicked up some water from a puddle and danced alittle in it. "Tell me, is this really so bad?" Lief asked. "We don't have to fight anyone. We can all live, working together! Is the heart that wished for that so sinful that it needs to be destroyed?"
     Shadow stared in surprise. "Are you siding with the witch?!" 
     "They are the final form of us magical people, as you said. I can't help but sympathize." Lief said. 
    Shadow looked down as shadows covered his eyes. "I just remember the most crucial point in all this." He said, as Lief smiled. "The creatures that Kyoya Tategami remembered fighting were wraiths, not witches. And Viva Akemi was unable to understand the concept of labyrinths, not because she'd forgotten witches, but neither she nor Kyoya ever knew about them." Shadow turned away. "Which is natural, since witches no longer exist in this universe. The soul of every magical person is taken away by the law of cycle before it becomes a witch. That was the new order she created when she remade the world, sacrificing herself in the process." 
     Lief smiled as he tilted his head to the side. "I see, so you do remember her." 
     Shadow glared at him. "Yes. But I should be the only one remembers her. There are three people who should not be able to exist. The first is the witch who created the labyrinth. The second is Diana, who remains in the form of a witch. And the third-" Shadow glared at Lief. Lief just smirked. "is you, who remembers the existence of witches." Shadow glared. "Who are you? Are you really Lief Akemi, Viva's brother?" 
      Lief looked at the sky and smiled. "You make me sad. I am the same Lief Akemi you've always known," Lief turned around and he tilted his head to look at Shadow. "transfer student...."
      Shadow stared in surprise and looked at the floor to reveal a shadow of another form that lead to Lief. It was a really big shadow and in the shape of the demon wolf that Shadow regonized. He stared in surprise and looked at Lief who just gave him a smirk. Lief tried to stop Shadow's shield again but Shadow kicked his sword out of his hand and pushed him back. Lief then grabbed his cloak and pulled it around himself. Shadow then stopped time and pulled out his gun and pointed it at the cloak. He stared at the cloak, for on the cloak revealed the witch form of Lief: Lurking Wolf. He stared as he pointed his gun at the witch which stayed frozen in time. Shadow then went over to the cloak and grabbed it. He started time again and pulled it away from the spot to reveal nothing. He stared. 
      "Quick to run away, aren't you?" Shadow said. "I thought you were supposed to be clumsier than that."
     "You haven't answered my question yet." Lief's voice said. "Would you really be okay destroying this Mitakihara City? You should think hard on that before you decide. So you wont have any regrets." 
      Shadow walked away and let the cloak fly away as he left. He turned around to take one last glimpse of the alley way and then he turned, leaving the cloak flying in the air. 

          In this little Chapter, Shadow had finished getting into a fight with Kyoya, which lead to, in the end, Kyoya tricking Shadow into a trap after Shadow purposly shot himself in the head, for which to make a magic chain on Shadow's ankle break with the bullet, causing Kyoya to be frozen in a time barrier that Shadow had set. When Shadow tried to talk to Kyoya about witches, Kyoya could not remember anything but him fighting wraiths and nightmares. When Shadow is rescued by Lief, Diana comes and talks to Kyoya about the situation and Lief and Shadow have their conversation. Lief is the only one (besides Diana) who can really remember a time before the Goddess Madoka came into play and changed the laws of all Magical People. Lief tries to tell Shadow that the witch that made the Labyrinth was not evil, Shadow still believes that he has to destroy the witch. Lief's witch (Lurking Wolf) appears in time for Lief to escape before Shadow could kill Lief. So this is the summary of the story, if you want to know about the battle, I will gladly type it, just give me your votes and I will surely type the scene that you want to know about. 
~Coraline Beackon. 

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