Lief's Confrontation

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(walks in the room and locks his room; sits on the floor with his back on the door; sighs)
Its over now,
I know inside
No one will never know...
The sorry tale of the Darkest Night
and those who died.....
No one must ever know..
They only see the tradegy,
they not see my intent.
The shadow's of Dark's evil,
will forever kill
the good that I have meant...

(Stands up and walks towards a mirror)
Am I a good man,
am I a mad man.....

Its such a fine line,
between a good man, and a-

Dark Lief: 
(Walks up behind Lief and chuckles)
Do you reall think that I would ever let you go?
Did you think I'd set you free?
If you do, I'm sad to say it simply isn't so!
You will never get away from me!

(turns around and stares in surprise; glares and reaches for his sword)
All that you are is a face in the mirror!
I close my eyes and you will disappear!
(Closes his eyes and looks away)

Dark Lief:
(grabs his face and turns him back towards himself)
I'm what you face, when you face in the mirror!
Long as you live, I will still be here!

(growls and draws his sword)
All that you are is the end of a nightmare!
All that you are is a dying scream!
After tonight, I shall end this demon's dream!

Dark Lief:
This is not a dream, and it will never end!
This is the nightmare that goes on!
I am here to stay no matter what you pretend!
And I'll flourish long after your gone!
(shadows grab Lief and hold him bound)

Soon you will die, and my silence will hide you!
You cannot choose but to loose control!

Dark Lief:
(Gets in his face and chuckles)
You can't control me!
I live deep inside you!
Each day you feel me devour your soul!

(breaks the shadow bonds and is surrounded by smoke; looks around for Dark Lief)
I don't need you to survive like you need me!
I'll become whole as you dance with death!
And I'll rejoice as you breath your final breath!

Dark Lief:
(appears behind Lief everytime he turns)
I live inside you forever!

(Turns around to find Dark)

Dark Lief: 
With Darkness itself by my side!


Dark Lief:
And I know that now, and forever, they'll never be able to separate Lief from the Dark!

(grips his sword and attacks Dark)
Can't you see it's over now?!
Its time to die!

Dark Lief:
(Blocks his attack and laughs)
No, not I! Only you!

(surrounded by shadows again and looks around in fear)
If I die, you'll die too!

Dark Lief:
(Voice is heard)
If you die in me, I'll be you!

(drops his sword and grips his head)
Damn you Dark! SET ME FREE!

Dark LiefL
Cant you see?! You are me!

(Falls to his knees)
No! Deep inside....

Dark LIef:
I am you! You are Dark!


Dark Lief:

God damn you, Dark! Take all your evil deeds and rot in hell!

Dark Lief:
(Laughs and grabs Lief head)
I'll see you there!

(stares in surprise and turning into Dark Lief)

Dark Lief:
(Consumes Lief and laughs)

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