Black Rock Shooter meets Dark Prince

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Stopping to look around, she could sense someone, someone who she knew was following her. Looking back, and finding nobody like she expected, she saw the fog quickly picked up. Now she was sure of it, whoever it was following her, they either wanted to be allies, or finish her off like Gold Saw. B.R.S looked back for the longest time till she caught a glimpse of a blue sheet, flowing in the wind. She stood up and quickly ran over to find nobody in the spot she saw, only to be empty and deserted. She looked around again, unsure whether or not that aura was here before her, or shortly after.
A long, smooth, noise like metal upon metal, was heard and she quickly turned around with a sudden reflex to jump back, just in time, missing the long and giant sword that struck right in front of her. She looked up at and saw the most unusual sightings, a youth, maybe, standing on the handle of the sword. What made it unusual was the fact that the youth was a boy. B.R.S. looked at him, unsure who he was or where he came from.
With that, he crossed his arms and opened his eyes to reveal same blue color as hers but only his hair was a misky white and he was staring her down. The both stared each other down, waiting for the other to strike first.

Mato gasped and sat up with a start and she panted, gripping the sheets tightly. "That....boy...." Mato muttered.
She looked at her phone, which sat on the window sill. She wondered if her friends were having weird dreams like her. She took her phone and began to go through her contacts, seeing the people that she friended at school. She then paused at a name she just realized. "W-who is this?" She questioned. "I don't remember putting a 'Lief' in my contacts."

Mato looked across the room and gasped with a start when she found a boy, chatting with a bunch of other friends and she stared, blushing. He was a cute boy, blonde hair, safiar eyes. And his smile was just perfect.
"Crushing on someone, yes?" A familiar voice rang and Mato jumped with a start and turned to find Yuu standing there smiling.
"That's a new kid in school." Yuu replied. "His sisters are here too, but they're not in the same grade as us, I don't think."
"Any idea what his name is?" Mato asked.
"Uh, I really didn't hear it well, but I think they said Lief?" Mato gasped in surprise and stared at the new boy.

B.R.S. stared the boy down and the boy lifted his chin higher, now backing down on his scowl. B.R.S. suddenly saw a better look of him. He wore mostly black, with a touches of blue here and there, but in the setting they were in, it made the blue look purple. He wore some sort of bandana under his hair or something and the black cloak he wore gently swayed in the wind. He was perfectly balanced on the handle, and B.R.S. noticed that he did not falter or lean in any direction. B.R.S. saw something within his eyes though, something that he new only too well as anger or pain. She had to get rid of it, she had to, and he would forget anything he was sorrowing over. Her Rock cannon was formed and she aimed at the sword, but he jumped off, grabbing the handle as he flipped off and he landed behind her and kicked her spine. B.R.S. only knew this too well that it was going to end with her win and victory of killing him.

Lief sat his desk and smiled gently, writing down every note and detail, with a certain pair of eyes watching him curiously. Mato smiled at how well he was doing with his math, and realized that he was really good with math. Lief answered almost every question to each math problem and he answered it as if he was positive of the answer. Mato sighed in a day dream only to be interrupted by Yomi.
"Mato, what are you staring at? We're in study hall" Yomi said.
"S-study hall!?" Mato repeated, looking over at Lief's desk again, but finding him not there. "Y-yomi, where'd that boy go? He was there a minute ago!"
Yomi looked over at the desk. "He probably went to go see his sisters, they are a grade below us." Yomi replied.
Mato blinked at Yomi, not sure whether she was right or wrong.

Saya and Yuu smiled as they drank their coffee with in Saya's office. Yuu then gently set the cup down and her face turned grim. "So did you hear?" Yuu asked.
Saya's smile faded and she looked at Yuu.
"A new boy transferred today. I think he's the one." Yuu said.
Saya looked at her. "You think he's Dark Prince?" Saya questioned. "You just met him not to long ago, Yuu. You must be mistaken."
"No. I'm sure of it." Yuu muttered. "Him, and his sisters. I think they're more out there, saya. More outside the school."
Saya blinked and looked at her. She then turned to a picture frame and sighed, looking at her long distanced friend smiling back at her.
"Black Rock Shooter cannot destroy him, yet." Yuu said.
"Yet?" Saya questioned.
"If she does now, then it will change who he is now without anybody really knowing him." Yuu looked at Saya. "There's something off about him, even in this world. I can sense it. Do whatever you can to get Gold Saw to stop Black Rock Shooter."
Saya nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

B.R.S. glared and jumped back, using her cannon as protection, but she then slammed into a wall, head first when he came and jumped onto her cannon. She glared up at him, seeing him stand on a high wall, checkered patterned all up and down. He glared at her from above and the two did a stare off again.
Standing up, B.R.S. pointed her cannon at him and fired multiple shots, making sure she kept her eyes on him. Jumping off the wall, he went dived through them and landed a diving attack upon her and she jumped back, firing her cannon at the ground to give her an extra boost. B.R.S. then clinged onto a wall and began to climb it steadily, discarding her cannon now. Pushing off the wall, she flipped onto his back and he struggled to get her off. Grabbing her cannon again, she aimed it at his head and was ready to fire, but she soon fell off his back and rolled across the ground, seeing Gold Saw, standing in front of her. Him, on the other hand, looked at Gold Saw, unsure what to think. All he knew was that she just saved his life, and now it was time for him to take his leave. So he covered himself in his cloak and vanished before a girl could reach down and grab him. B.R.S. stood there, alone now, seeing that Gold Saw had retreated as well.
B.R.S. looked at her surrondings once again and she heard the sound of laughing. So she headed in the direction, sure enough to find another being there.

Check it! I'm doing a new story with a new favorite Anime of mine. Black Rock Shooter. It's only got eight episodes though, so I hope I can still be in love with it forever and ever. Anyways, I decided to show you bits and pieces, no its not going to be in this particular order, but yes, it will come out like this! So yeah, I'll explain this in the story summary of what's going on, but make sure that you like and comment my stories please! I would really appreciate that. Tell me what you guys think and awesome guys! See ya next time!
~Coraline Beackon

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