Character's Interview.

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Question for Lief: 
What makes you mad the most?
Lief: The fact the Kyoya calls me a magy mutt! 
Kyoya: Why? It's suits you!
Lief: Shut up!

Question for Jak: 
How do you stay in character during the stories? 
Jak: It's just all part of the package, baby. It's just who I am! I just got to reach down deep inside and *roars then chuckles* 

Question for Daxter: 
What did you think about the story Kyoko in Deltora?
Daxter: I was hoping that the story was fun. I mean I did my part! I was practically carring the whole thing! The next story should be called Orange Lightning Strikes Again! Orange Lightning Strikes twice? You know I think we should branch out! Shouldn't feel like completly anckered to the adventure thing! I got the moves, I got the moves. 

Question for Kyoya: 
Why do you kick Lief in the head when he annoyes you? 
Kyoya: ...........................................that's none of your concern. 

Question for Cora: 
Did you enjoy being in the story? 
Cora: Oh I enjoyed being in the story. I just felt bad for the guys in the monster suits. I think I manage to break a nose of two. 

Question for the Shadow Lord: 
How did you feel in the making of the Book? 
Shadow Lord: Books!? Books are for wimps! Get in the real world! It's called the sun, the big bright round thing in the sky! Jeez! Oh no, seriously though, this is going to be one hell of a story! The stat of the art and the scenery, I just wish she could publish it and make it a movie! That would've been awesome! Then I could make a come back! 

Question for Kyoko: 
What was it like for Daxter to be hiting on you? 
Kyoko: It felt really weird, I mean I'm not that type of girl for some animal to be hiting on you. But I do actually like Kyoya. Now that's a man you can ask for. I like men who have a little animal in them. 

Question for Jasmine: 
Does it bug you to have Lief doing something that was not part of the situation? 
Jasmine: Of course it does! Who do you take me to be like? Fluttershy from my little pony!? *blushes and turns away* Not that I watch that show anyway! 

Question for Jak: 
How would you describe your anger?
Jak: Well you know, sometimes I just get alittle angry! I like to have my own little space! When people invade it, I..I just get mad! And you know I can't...I can't deal with that! Because you know I'm an artist and I need my time in creating art and processing things! Sometimes when the anger is at it's peak and people come up to me, telling me what to do just really pisses me off! 

Question for Lief: 
What would you do in the next story? 
Lief: Well I wanted to be a director for the next story. I mean I can do the whole "Action" thing if I have to! I'll grow a beard and talk all Shaby sheek be a pop artist! Coraline, baby, I want your job! 

Question for Jak: 
What do you think of Daxter? 
Jak: Well you know, Daxter is his own,,uh...own little furball. I mean, I can't really say he takes all the glory. He gets the women, and I take them home with me. 

Question for Cora: 
How tough was it for you to change your personality? 
Cora: Oh, jeez. Where do I begin? I mean thoughout the whole book, I thought for most of the time that I was actually going to fall out of character, then there was that moment where me and Kyoya were caught back stage, while we were getting into our characters. Those were some good times. 

Question for Kyoya: 
Do you enjoy being in character?
Kyoya: Hell yeah. I love messing with Lief! It gives me more time to kick him in the head whenever I need to. Of course there's always the moment where the love scene comes and Cora and I are doing the Love thing like always. I love kissing her lips, I swear, they are so sweet! 

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