Bloopers Part 2

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Puella Magi Pinkie Pie:

Scene 1:

Dain: FRIENDS CAN'T LOVE FRIENDS! *trips and falls over*

Lief: *laughs*

Pinkie: *running over to Dain smiling* Are you alright?

Dain: I'm good. *smiling*

Scene 2:

Lief and Kyoya: *looking at Pinkie's drawings*

Pinkie: I thought it would be good to come up with some clos-lalalalala

Kyoya and Lief: *laughs*

Pinkie: *stifles her laugh*

Scene 3:

Kyoya: Ok, how about this, if you can't find something to wish for by the time I finish off this witch, we'll have a feast! And you can ask Kyubey for a big cake!


Kyoya: *walks off stage laughing*

Pinkie: *smiles and waves at the Camera* I'm getting a cake.

Crew: *laughs*

Scene 4:

Pinkie's Dad: To her nothing beats.......crap....what was it?

Pinkie: *laughs and sips her orange juice*

Scene 5:

Pinkie's Dad: But the way your mom is living her life is actually kinda perfect for her. She's a washed up acoholic! *chuckles*

Pinkie: *smiles* Come on dad, this is supose to go on tv.....*stifles her laugh*

Scene 6:

Kyoya: *looks around*

Shadow: Don't you even care?!

Kyoya: *turns around but trips over his own foot*

Shadow: *stares in surprise*

Kyoya: *Stands up straight like nothing happened* What are you talking about? I just tripped over my own foot! They're apart of this now.

Shadow: *laughs*

Scene 7:

Jasmine: *looking at her hand* They're concerned about it. The doctors want to run some more......ah shit! Screw the examinations! I want to go home!

Lief: *laughs and falls out of his chair*

Jasmine: Lief are you alright?

Lief: *keeps laughing* Oh.....I can't breath!

Scene 8:

Lief: *pushing the top floor button*

Jasmine: Why are you taking me to the roof?

Lief: Parachute landing Space jumping.

Jasmine: *looks at Lief* Never heard that before.

Lief: *smiles and holds his laugh down*

Jasmine: *smiles* Aren't you going to say something?

Lief: *laughs* I...I Can't!

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