Lucy and the Dragon Spirit

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Lucy, a yellow fox with big bright amber eyes and the redish brown hair, had stumbled into a realm where she didn't believe existed. Her father was a protector of the realms like these however he was not the protector of this one... Lucy had recalled back towards her mother words, how the celestial realm was the place her and her blood line would all begin to travel when it came to the time of death. Lucy, however, was not dead. She remembered what happened before she showed up here. Lucy had been playing with her other siblings and, like always, Ashley and Sora were rough housing with each other. It got out of hand this time because they ended up knocking into Lucy who had stumbled back and slammed her head against the hard pavement below her. That's when she saw nothing but darkness for the longest time until she opened them up to find this realm she had stumbled in. The Celestial Realm, the passing of those who were no longer living but not yet dead either. Her feet were on a flight of stairs and with her curiousty, she decided that she would make her way up to the top...

Her mother had warned her about the protectors in this realm but for whatever reason the first spirit she were to encounter, Aidia, had not shown herself yet. As she continued to make her way up to the top, she had reached halfway and still noticed that the spirit had not shown herself yet.

"Who might you be?" A voice called out.

She paused in place to look up at the voice that called out to her. On the stairs above her was a green dragon, his yellow eyes piercing through her and was he enormess as well. Lucy had always been scared of situations like this, with her shy demeiner and all, so the first thing she did was just keep to herself and go quite while she took one step back.

"Do not run from me!" He declared before her foot even touched the bottom stair. She stared up at him a bit shocked but not as fearful as she thought. "You will tell me who you are!" He shouted again, glaring at her eyes.

Lucy frowned at his temper, now she wasn't scared, but disapointed on how this spirit was treating her. "My name is Lucy, daughter of Nero and Cora."

The dragon's expression soften a bit, but not enough to get rid of his scowl. "You mean that king's sister?" Lucy just nodded as he let out a scoff. "Heh, you don't look like her or her husband," His gaze turned off of her. "What are you doing in a place like this?"

Lucy stared at him. "I don't know." She replied. "I just remember hitting my head and finding myself here. I didn't think this place existed, either. Mother always told me about it."

The dragon frowned at her. "Well you are here now, so what do you think now?"

Lucy stared around at the atmosphere around her, finding only changing soft colors. "Its empty and cold."

The dragon frowned again. "You shouldn't be here." He told her firmly, his voice not sounding angry anymore, but maybe caring. She stared up at him.

"You're Nilan, aren't you?" His eyes stared at her's, the silence between them increasing until she broke it. "Mother told me your a bit stubborn headed, yet, you seem to care somewhat."

Nilan bared his teeth as he glared at her. "I do not care for anything! Everything I cared for has passed through the door into the next life while I'm stuck here in this realm!" He huffed and began walking back up the stairs. Lucy's eyes widen at his sudden attempt to leave.

"No! Don't run away!"

Nilan's movements froze at her sudden request as she ran up the stairs towards him.

She reached a few steps before pausing to stare up at the back of his head. "Father always told me that I can't always run away from my problems."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2016 ⏰

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