Fall of the Kingdom of Del.

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   The land was covered in ice and shattered darkness. War broke out between the Shadow Lord and the two royal siblings, Lief and Madoka. The siblings had to flea to Tora, in a desperate attempt to escape the Shadow Lord's clutches. But now, the siblings looked out at there castle, which was covered in shadows, setting themselves up for battle between them and the Shadow Lord. Lief frowned at the castle. 
    "Coward.....Walled up in his fortress like it were a tomb." Lief said, wearing the shining blue armor. 
    "Our ground forces cannot advance against his crystal fields." Madoka said, wearing the red armor. She looked at Lief. "And you know what he can do to a dragon, unable to defend their minds of magic." 
     Lief just huffed and turned away. 
     Madoka paused. "We only need a small window of attack. He's lost alot of ground. The Belt of Deltora should dispose of him." She said. 
     Lief looked at her. "And if it doesn't?" Lief questioned. 
     Madoka raised an eyebrow at him. "Why would it fail?" 
    "Hypothetically speaking....." Lief added. 
    Madoka looked at the castle. "Well, hypothetically speaking," She said, lifting the scythe at her side. "We're prepared just in case." She said.
     Lief smiled. "hm....indeed. He knows not what forces he is tampering with." Lief said. His smile grew bigger and he looked at the castle. "Let us not stay his end no further." He finished, before turning into a dragon and flying off. 
      Madoka sighed and did the same, following her older brother. 
     Inside the castle, waited the Shadow Lord, armed and ready. He saw the shadows through his stain glass window and watched as the siblings broke through the glass and used the belt's magic against him. Smoke covered the castle floor as the siblings hovered in the air. Lief stared. 
      "is that it?" He said.
      Before Madoka could answer, she was hit with one of the Shadow Lord's crystal pillars and Lief saw the Shadow Lord smirking at him as he turned his head to him. Lief gritted his teeth and raised his sword to attack but was attacked first by the Shadow lord and sent plumiting to the floor. The Shadow Lord then saw a bright light in front of him and saw Madoka break through the pillar and tried to slice him with her scythe. The Shadow Lord jumped back and turned his attention to Lief. Lief let out a deep breath when he saw pieces of the crystal pillar coming his way. 
         Lief grabbed his sword, blocked all the crystal pieces and then blocked the Shadow Lord's attack. The Shadow Lord slid on the floor and Lief jumped back in the air. Madoka turned her scythe around and flew toward the Shadow Lord. Lief put his claws on a wall and gave himself a boost with his sword in hand. The siblings came flying toward the Shadow Lord, yelling in fury. 
          The Shadow Lord banged his weapon on the floor and shadows covered the siblings. Lief then felt a hard force push him face straight into a wall, knocking him out cold. Madoka felt the same force, but her body was nearly covered in crystals. She glared and let her magic glow bright. The Shadow Lord saw the flicker of light from the pillar and Madoka burst through the pillar and attacked him at the spot. The smoked cleared and revealed to Madoka that she missed her target. Madoka glared and looked around. 
           "Show yourself, coward!" She said. 
           The only thing she heard was his demonic laugh. She looked back and saw the Shadow Lord behind her and she blocked his move and took the stab into the side. She glared at him. 
        "It's over, Maletrik. Yield!!" She demanded, 
       The Shadow Lord just simply laughed and lifted his weapon. "So much.....HATRED!!!" He said, taking a swing at Madoka. 
       Madoka pulled her weapon free through and she dodged his attack and stood her ground. 
      The Shadow Lord pulled his weapon free from the floor and glared at her. "You speak of cowardice." He said, in a low voice. "Have you forgotten whose domain you are in?" He roared and lifted his weapon to attack. Madoka took her chance to use the bottom of her weapon and hit him in the face and try to counterattack. She glared. 
     "I care not what dark paths you've made!" She said, trying to take another swing. "You will fail!!" 
     The Shadow Lord smirked as he blocked her swing. "It seems even the gods lack purity in their hearts." He said, pushing her weapon off. "I can taste your wrath!" He said, attacking her with Madoka blocking. "And it is delicious." 
      Madoka glared. She shoved him off and blasted her magic at him. "Silence you cur!!!!" She yelled. 
      The Shadow Lord turned to shadows and the magic hit the pillar that Lief was trapped in. Smoke covered the floor and Madoka covered her face from the smoke, unable to detect where the Shadow Lord could be. Lief opened his eyes in time to see a flash of red light in the smoke and he stared in surprise, as he reached for his weapon. 
     Madoka huffed and looked around. "Show yourself!" She said, sounding alittle scared. She stared at the place. It was the palace of Tora. She gasped and saw a shadow, only to find it was her brother, back turned. Madoka sighed in relief. "Lief, thank goodness." She said. 
      Lief kept his back turned from her, but he soon turned his head and glared at her, eyes glowing white. Madoka gasped. "No." She whispered. Lief turned around and took a few steps forward. "Lief, please!" Madoka begged, as the white of her eyes turned green and purple smoke came out of her eyes. "Lief, it doesn't need to be like this!" Madoka said. Lief glared at her, spreading his wings and standing his ground. 
     The Shadow Lord took a step foward to take the kill but felt the piercing of a blade into his skin and he looked back to find Lief, free from his pillar and standing his ground with many other swords. Lief glared at him. The Shadow Lord glared back, healing his wound and waited for Lief's attack. Lief lifted his sword and the other swords followed. He then fired them contuineslly, making them appear and fire them. The Shadow Lord glared and brought forth a crystal wall, blocking the swords and pushed the wall to Lief. Lief took his sword, sliced the wall in half and attacked the Shadow Lord. 
      The Shadow Lord glared and sended Lief in the air. Lief came back and stabed the ground with the Shadow Lord jumping back. 
      He glared. "Relentless." He growled. "Why go such lengths to protect your imperalistic interests?" 
     Lief glared. "You're a fool if you think that's what I'm trying to protect." Lief said. 
     He took a step forward and attacked the Shadow Lord multiple times. The Shadow Lord growled and sliced at where Lief was, leaving Lief on the floor. Lief glared and the Shadow Lord looked up and back away from a giant sword that came out of no where. Lief stood up and healed his wounds while the Shadow Lord did the same. Lief glared, using his magic to try to pull his weapon free. The shadow Lord saw this, so he took the sword, turned it to shadow and trapped Lief. Lief looked around in surprise, trying to find a way out. He then glared at the Shadow Lord. 
     "Release me." Lief said. 
     The Shadow Lord chuckled. "In due time. I was as curious as to why your sister would fear you, it seems she has the right to do so." He said. 
    "She does not fear me!" Lief snapped. 
    "You shall see before long." The shadow lord chuckled, walking up to Lief. "Do you honestly think she understands the night and all it's glory?" 
     Lief glared. "Do not pretend you do in turn."
     The Shadow Lord smirked. "Oh I understand perfectly." He said, chuckling. "You find me to be a tyrannt. Yet the best kind of slave is one who is willing." 
     Lief glared. "SILENCE!" He yelled, trying to break his prison. 
     The Shsdow Lord paused, waitng for Lief to calm down. "You can deny my warnings all you wish. It wont change your fate." 
    Lief glared. "Save your breath." 
    The Shadow Lord got in Lief's face. "Even if by some miracle you were to defeat me, you'd only soon fall to your sister. Why be force to choose?" He said, presuading like. 
     Lief huffed and turned away. 
     The Shadow Lord lifted his head. "Deltora will see many a foe in it's future. Would it not make sense for us to stand against them together?" 
     Lief glared. "We would sooner take our own lives than submit to you!" Lief said. 
    "Submit?" The Shadow Lord chuckled. "Just like you have to your sister?" 
     Lief glared again. 
    "I admire your resolve." The Shadow Lord said. "You are strong." They looked at Madoka as the Shadow Lord contuined to speak. "Far more fit to rule. Far more deserving of respect- than Madoka." Lief looked at him, no longer glaring. "You have an oppartunity now, to take her place." The Shadow Lord said. "Together, we can show the nation what it truely means, to fear the night." 
      Lief stared at him, bowed his head and closed his eyes. "You are a fool." He said. He then opened his eyes, which were glowing white and he shattered his prison with a blinding light. 
     The Shadow Lord glared, his eyes turning green. "So beat it." He said, turning to shadow. 
     Lief turned into his dragon form, flew after the Shadow Lord, going at full speed, to take him down. Lief then saw only darkness, a bang of metal hiting the floor, and a voice in his head. Lief hit the floor, helmet off, and he looked at the floor, the white of his eyes green and purple smoke coming out of the corner of his eyes. The Shadow Lord looked at Lief, turning back to his normal form. 
      "Such a shame." he said, walking off. 
     Lief panted, feeling his breath on his hand as he turned human. He looked at the floor, scared and frightened, trying to fight the feeling down. Then he heard the demon's voice. 
     "Come on, Lief. Let the madness take control of you, I can guide you to help you accomplish your goal." it said. "Just let me take over." 
     Lief stared at the floor, shaking in fear, and finally, he stoped his panting. Shadows covered Lief's eyes and he just smirked. He began to laugh and the Shadow Lord paused his step, turned and saw the laughing boy standing up. 
     Lief kept his back to the Shadow Lord. "You think you found an ally in darkness." He said. "Do you comprehend the powers you were GIFTED with? The same powers I was BORN into?" Lief said, turning his head to look at the Shadow Lord with blood red snake eyes. Lief turned around and began to walk forward. "Where do you think the shadows all go to hide from the pressious light?" Lief said, smirking. "Just who do you think stands against them!?" He said, pulling out the Shadow Lord's weapon from the floor. Lief examinned the weapon as he contuined to speak. "What you possed is a mere fraction of their might." He looked at the Shadow Lord. "The same might I stand unyeilding against, each and every night!" Lief said. 
        The Shadow Lord glared and blasted his magic at him. "Stay back!" 
     Lief took one swing with the weapon and Lief glared. "You are nothing compared to them." He said, holding the weapon. "YOU ARE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME!" Lief yelled, hair turning into darker color. He ran forward, pressed the blade of the weapon to the Shadow Lord's neck and his hair was now completly black. 
     The Shadow Lord stared in surprise. "What.....are you?" The Shadow Lord stared in fear. 
     Lief chuckled and held the weapon above his head and smirked. 
     "I......am a nightmare." Lief smirked. Then with one final slice of a blade, the Shadow Lord fell. 

     Madoka found her self feeling cold and wet, she opened her eyes and gasped. "LIEF!" She yelled. 
      "What is it?" Madoka turned and saw Lief, looking at her. Madoka sighed in relief.
     "Thank goodness you are alright." She said, hugging him. She then looked around. "Where are we? What happened to-?" 
       "Maltrik.......is no more.......but the City!" Lief said. "He.................I......" Lief said, trying to find the right words. 
       "To banish an entire kingdom like that." Lief looked at Madoka. She stares at the snowed barren around her. "How much power and hatred were we truely facing?" She sighed and looked at Lief. "I'm just grateful you are not harmed, and were able to get us out safely." Lief looked at the snow. Madoka then cleared her throat. "We need to spread word of the Shadow Lord's defeat." She said, she looked at him. "Not every battle will be a victory." She then turned into her dragon form and looked at him. "Come, it's cold. Let us return home." She said, taking off in the air, leaving Lief alone. 
      Lief looked at her, waited for a moment while his eyes were the blood red color once again, and then he blinked once with his eyes normal and he teared up, wondering why he didn't tell her what he had said to him, and with that thought on his mind, he took to the sky with his dragon form and he flew off, tears streaming down his face. 

Author's Note
Hello, readers. If you see the video below, this is where I got the idea to make this story up. All credit goes to Silly Filli Studios and Lief and the Shadow Lord goes to Emily Rodda. I know you might find it odd for me to make Lief have a dark side, but I had to do it! Though if you replace Lief with Luna, he would totally kick ass! I hope you enjoyed reading this. This is a Fan Fiction made story, so please do not sue me!!!!!!!!! If you have suggestions on what I should write or anything, please let me know. Thank you and enjoy anything else I may post. 
~Coraline Beackon. 

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