Chapter 2: A Random Encounter

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"Huh?" I almost shirked in surprise.

Though I couldn't help but let out a tiny sound. My heartbeat skyrocketed for a second, but I quickly recovered from it. I slowly turned around to see who grabbed my sleeve. I was deciding whether to thank them for bringing me back from my confusion or hate them for ruining the moment.

"I'm sorry! Are you okay?" She had a worried expression on her face.

It was a young cheerful girl. She was behind me, and probably saw how surprised I looked. Which was more like confusion and exhilaration.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, you just caught me off guard, that's it." I lied for obvious reasons.

"Really! I'm glad!" She responded with a bright smile.

But for some reason it didn't seem genuine at all, far from it, it just felt forced. Don't get me wrong just because I know it's forced doesn't automatically make her a terrible person. People force themselves to do many things throughout their lives due to various causes. Myself included, of course. Not once did they let...

Anyways It was most likely due to the fact that I've seen so many different expressions throughout my entire life that I could tell she was acting. However to many people it would come off as genuine. With that kind of acting she could win an Oscar for Best Actress.

If that's the case she has to have a motive for talking to me. The most likely reason is that she wants to thank me for what I did. If so, would she try to do something after thanking me? Should I think about all the possible reasons? No, that will take too long. I'll just act like I usually do to not raise suspicion.

"More importantly, do you need something from me?" I asked, tilting my head.

It isn't everyday that a cute girl starts talking to you out of nowhere. Keyword cute, she isn't my type. Why am I even talking about this topic? My thoughts have been all over the place ever since I saw them.

"I just wanted to thank you." She responded as if it was the obvious thing to do.

"Thank me?"

To be honest I just wanted to go to the entrance ceremony to get it over with, but since we still have some time left I'll stay here until this conversation is finished. Unless I get bored or irritated by her.

"It was very nice of you to give your seat to the elderly lady!"

"I mean even if I didn't volunteer somebody would've done the same."

Well I can't just say 'the only reason I did it was since you were being an annoyed piece of shit.' Perhaps if I was dumbass I would've but you can't be making enemies of people you don't know. Who knows, they might be your classmates.

"But you gave up your seat without being asked to."

"I guess that's true."

I cannot seem to find the right way to end this conversation. You know what, I'll just tell her I need to do something. Hopefully, she doesn't ask me to accompany her. Wait, what if that was her goal all along? Think about it; she spoke up gaining the attention towards her.

That meant that the students who were in the bus would see her actions. It's favorable for her since she would be labeled as the 'girl that treats everyone equally.' If my theory is correct then that means I ruined her plan by solving the situation. This would explain why she didn't give up her own seat without saying anything.

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