3| Liquor

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Chapter 3: Liquor (Brielle's POV)

Can I just say, I am so glad that I only have to dress modestly for church. I know my father doesn't like it when I wear something that shows too much skin or is too seductive, but that's not the rule he set for me. The rule he set was that I have to dress modestly for church. Not for parties like this. 

I brushed my hair one last time, making sure it was pin-straight and parted down the middle before I walked to my bed and sat down, pulling on the silver heels. Green and silver. It's a sexy combination if you ask me. 

I don't take anything with me, actually. No purse because I have nothing that needs to be carried in it and I don't even take my phone with me. It's considered rude, apparently. Nobody really uses their phones in Ashbourne apart from making calls. 

There was a knock on my door before it opened and Ms. Jenny walked in. "Oh, look at you, Peach! You look so beautiful, let me see!" she sang, putting her hands on her cheeks as if they were flushing. 

I stood up, spinning for her once. 

"You look like a devious angel," she grinned. 

"Perfect. Glad we're not going to church then," I scoffed. 

"Make it a good night, don't think about yesterday. Come, your mother's almost ready too. Your father is waiting in the foyer." 

I rolled my eyes and followed her out and downstairs. She walked away after that and I just lingered, leaning against the staircase banister, avoiding my father. 

"Grab a coat, will you?" I looked up when he spoke to me. 

"It's not winter, father," I smiled. "We're in the middle of April, it's practically summer." 

He sighed to himself, probably mumbling curses. What a great pastor, am I right? "Make sure you talk to Ezra Collins tonight." 

"Why?" I questioned. 

"His father spoke to me briefly yesterday at the church. They want to ask for your hand in marriage." 


"Ezra seems like a nice boy. He comes from a good family," he sighed, standing up and walking over to me. "He works a good job in real estate, he makes good money for himself, he's respectful and respected. It's a good offer." 

"It's the first one you're telling me about. How many others have you got?" 

"A few," he nodded. "But none of the families seemed good enough for us to be associated with." 

"So, this is the first pastor and church family then, right?" 

He nodded begrudgingly. 

"And what if I don't want to marry into a church family?" 

His gaze hardened. "Unless a decent option comes into play, you'll be marrying into a church family." 

"And if I say I don't want an arranged marriage?" 

"I doubt anybody you love would be a decent option, so that's out of question," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. 

"And what if they're rich?" I lifted a brow at him. "Rich enough to be called decent." 

He stared at me for a minute. "Then we'll think about it." He turned back around and I glared at the back of his head, wishing I could hit it with a baseball bat. An aluminum baseball bat. 

My mother came down and then we all filed into the car, ready to leave. The drive to the palace is short since it's in the center of the kingdom and we live fairly close to the center. No more than fifteen minutes. 

Tell Me You Love MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora