4| Coincidence

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Chapter 4: Coincidence (River's POV)

I stood there while pastor Laurence talked my ear off but I wasn't listening per see. 

I watched while Brielle talked to some of the girls around before excusing herself. She flipped her hair to one side so her hair wasn't parted in the middle while she walked, her dress flowing behind her. Her hair slowly fell back to its middle parting when she made it to the vase. She shamelessly picked it up, taking the key. She stared at the key, chuckling softly. She rolled her eyes before glancing at the library door. She put the key back down and scanned the crowd, her eyes meeting mine. 

"Excuse me, for a moment," I mumbled before walking over, meeting her in the middle of the room. 

"Is that really what you want?" she asked. 

I looked at her quizzically. 

"For me to sneak in there and come out wasted?" 

"While that would be extremely entertaining, I just need you to get through tonight." 

"Why?" She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously. 

"Because, and as much as this thought traumatizes me, you're an option." 

"For what?" She blinked in confusion. 

"Brielle! River!" We both looked at where my dad was standing. He called both of us over and we obeyed, walking over. "It's good I caught you two together. We were just talking about you both." 

She glanced at me warily while we followed my dad, all of us stopping when we reached my mom and her parents. 

"How come?" I asked, glancing at her parents. 

Her dad seemed fine. In a better mood than he did earlier but he was still somewhat glaring at his daughter. 

"I was just telling Jeremiah how we're starting to look for a bride for you," my dad said. 

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, feeling her eyes on me. I glanced at her and saw her amused expression. She's even trying not to laugh. 

"And as it turns out, they're open to having Brielle married as well." 

"What?" she blurted out, straightening up, her head snapping to my dad. She might have even gotten whiplash. 

I let out a soft chuckle, staring at the ground. 

"Unless you're not open to getting married, honey," he chuckled, asking Brielle. 

I watched, getting a little suspicious when she turned to her dad. He shot her a look. A threatening look. 

"I'm open to it, of course," she sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. 

I don't think she is. 

"We were just discussing it, nothing's confirmed," my mom laughed. "But we're looking for a bride, they're looking for a groom. You two have known each other since you were little kids. I don't see any problems with it. What do you think?" They're asking her but I don't think she realizes that. 

"Me?" she asked, pointing at herself. 

"Of course, you, honey," my mom chuckled. "Would you be open to marrying him?" 

She glanced at me. "Um, we... I..." 

"You two have known each other forever. Nothing could go wrong," her father said. 

"We haven't spoken in a while," I shrugged. "And we're not that close anymore, so it's completely okay if she doesn't want to." 

Not to mention, we fucking hate each other. 

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